Dragon World!

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Konnichiwa MInna... I'm sooooooo sorry about the last chapter... it was way to short... I'm gonna make this chapter extra long... I have nothing to say about my life... for like once... hm... ya I got nothing... no big things about the story either.. hmm... oh well.. ^-^

I dedicate this chapter to SnowFairyNLF... I love her story 'Just Another Jerza Story' If u have time... check it out =)... or else I will hire Lucy to do her Lucy kick on you >=D... Thanks for the dedication... love ya 4eva sista =D.

I'm so sorry for bad grammar and spelling... if we did a proofreading for friends, I would have to have someone proofread what I corrected.

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Fairy Tail... Natsu would have killed Dan

The Youtube video would be Fairy Tail sad songs... it's so sad

I added an External Link... it's Igneels profile... there's not much though =(

The picture is Makarov doing the Fairy Tail hand signal... listening to the youtube video... I kept thinking of this picture =')

Feedback will always be appreciated



TIME SKIP (2 days until Lucy comes back... in dragon world... so 1 day in real world)

It was a beautiful morning at dragon world... The stars were still out. Lucy had meanfully woke up early, it was her last full day here. She had grown to love this place.

She climbed to the top of the tree on Moyan Hill. She watched the sun slowly rise. By the time it was up it was already 9. She was about to climb down when the tree started to shake and her best friend Akiko popped through the leaves...

"Watcha doing Akiko?"

"Well I was searching for you, I stayed up late practicing and I think I finally go it!"

Lucy smiled, "Then show it to me"

Akiko closed her eyes and took deep breath and said "plant dragon's roar"

She had done it, it was her first week here and she had already been able to do a roar.

"I did it" Akiko grinned. "Wait, what are you doing out so early Lucy? You usually sleep in."

"well I'm leaving tomorrow and I thought I'd see the sunrise." Lucy whispered.

"What??? ur leaving tomorrow" Akiko had a pained expression on her face. "who am I gonna show my magic to now, and share my secrets, and get into trouble. Nobody gets me like you do."

"I know but even though you're my best friend, do you ever miss Earthland?"

"I didn't really have a family or friends, this is my home now."

"I know, I had family and friends when I left. I bet they miss me. Ever since my Lacrima vision broke, I haven't been able to see them."

"oh, do you remember how we met?"

"How could I forget, you taught me how to show emotion again, although I'm not really good at the sad and mad ones."

"Ya well we should go eat some breakfast, I'll race you there."

Lucy and Akiko ran off, thinking about the first time they met.

Flashback (4 years after Lucy joined)

Hey look there's a new girl someone said. The new girl looked around, she was 20 year old female, black hair, Brown eyes, and a scar on her shoulder, she wore a long green dress, with flower in her hair.

She looked around, she had just come here and she wasn't used to so many people, she walked over to a solemn looking blonde hair girl, "Konnichiwa, my name is Akiko." the girl said to Lucy

"Oh hi" Lucy said

"Why so down?" Akiko asked

"I'm not down, I just... its a long story."

"Well I like long stories. Could you tell me one?"

"Well 2 years ago, Earthland time, I was kicked out of my team and had my heartbroken. I was felt hurt and traded my emotions for powers, I didn't need them, Oh and yes they are useful."

"Wait can you read minds."

"Yes, and that's why other students here don't really like me, because I know their every secret and can use it to blackmail them, you don't have to feel bad for me. I had a choice, it was my decision."

"Oh, well I think that's a great gift, but I think you should smile more."

"I can't it's kinda impossible."

"have you tried, nothing is impossible, it just takes some time to figure out."

"I can try." Lucy tried to smile, but having not done it in 9 years (8 years Dragon world time, 1 year Earthland time.) really took it's toll.

From that day Akiko taught Lucy how to laugh, smile, and show emotion again.

End of Flashback

Lucy was in the lead she ran inside the building, she had won the race.

Akiko came running in a few seconds later.

The ate and then went to Lucy's place to pack.

After Lucy packed, and then they went around to say by to everyone.

"Goodbye Spark, she told the lighting dragon slayer."

"Goodbye Lucy, give this to that dragon slayer named Laxus." He gave her a box.

"Okay goodbye."

They walked by Flora.

"Hey Flora!" Akiko shouted

"Oh hi Akiko, is Lucy leaving soon?"

"oh ya" Well I wish you the best of luck, Flora said.

Lucy and Akiko walked around saying goodbye to all the dragons.

Lucy and Akiko went to where Igneel, Metalicana, and Grandine were.

"Here please give this to Wendy." Grandine said

"This is for Gajeel" Metalicana grumbled

"Please tell that rambunctious boy hi, and give this to him." Igneel said.

"Goodbye Grandine, Goodbye Metalicana. See you tomorrow Igneel."

Then they walked off, it was already 6 and they needed to get ready for dinner, there was a party for Lucy.

Akiko and Lucy got dressed and went to the party.

They had fun with all the dragons and other students.

(A/N: I forgot to tell you that they go in human form... you decide when they change back and forth... It doesn't really matter.)

After the party was over, Lucy changed and went to sleep.

Time Skip - Morning

Lucy woke up early and walked to the field where Igneel would be taking her back to Earthland.

Lucy was about to get on Igneel when someone shouted "matte!!!" (wait). Lucy turned around and saw Akiko


Akiko ran over and gave Lucy a hug. "I'll miss you."

Even if Akiko was only 2 years younger than Lucy, Akiko still acted like a child sometimes. In fact, she reminded Lucy a lot of Natsu.

"I'll miss you more."

"I'll see you soon right?"

"Yup, just wait another 2 months (dragon world time), then we can see each other again."

"How will I find you?"

"Just look for a guild named Fairy Tail. I'll be there waiting."

"Okay bye Lucy."

"Bye Akiko"

And with that, Lucy jumped on Igneel's back and was gone.

"See you soon Akiko" Lucy whispered clinging to Igneel's back.

"I'll see you soon, Akiko" Lucy whispered.

"Igneel, where are you gonna drop me off?" Lucy asked.

"In the town of Clover." Igneel answered "Now you should sleep. We should be there in a few hours."

"Okay" Lucy yawned and laid down on Igneel's back looking at the stars. She started humming a tune. She hadn't heard of it before, but it came naturally. She soon fell asleep.

When Lucy woke up she was in clover... Igneel looked at her and said "this is where we'll part ways... Here" he gave her bag and another box. You might need this.

"Lucy, how do you know that song?"

"Which song?"

"The song you were humming on the way here."

"I don't really know, I just knew it. Why?"

"That song is a spell, if you had sang the lyrics with it, than you could hypnotise a person."

"Good luck on ur journey."

"Arigato Igneel, I will forever be in your debt."

With that he spread his wings and flew off, going back to dragon world.

Lucy walked to the train station and bought a ticket to Magnolia.

Meanwhile the people at the guild were waiting for Lucy to come back, today was the day she said she'd be back... Everyone waited just waited. They all stared at the guild doors in silence.

These past few years were hard on them, Reedus stopped painting, Happy wasn't happy, Nab went on a bunch of jobs, Wakaba stopped smoking, Cana stopped drinking, Juvia Stopped speaking in 3rd person, Erza always cried, Gray stopped fighting, but most of all one pink haired dragon slayer had stopped coming to the guild, he had been released but was in bad shape, but today everyone was at the guild, from Wendy, to Gildarts, they waited, hoping today woul be he day when a certain blonde haired Mage would make her apperance...

Suddenly the guild doors opened...

... But nobody was there... All if a sudden nobody could move, when they were able to move again, they felt drained of magic.

They heard the door to The Masters office open and close.

Master Makorov was looking out the window when he heard his office door open an close, he couldn't feel any presence of another person.

All of a sudden he heard a voice mumble something.

His eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe it, right in front of him stood the one and only...


Bwahahaha cliffhanger... Do u think its Lucy or is it another person... I know what it is...u'll just have to wait to find out... I don't know when I'm gonna update so ya... Arigato Minna Sayonara.

~AWH >^.^<

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