Her Powers part 2

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KONNICHIWA MINNA!!! It's AWH =D... I'm so sorry this took so long... I typed this and my sister deleted it... she sucks... I had writers block and I read sooo many fanfictions sooooo ya... I went camping... IT WAS SOO FUN... I got inspiration now. So hehe... then what happened is I found some really good inspiration so I had to write the whole thing over again... but it's totally worth it

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Fairy Tail, than this fanfiction wouldn't be a fanfiction anymore

I dedicate this to the one and only Infinite_Warrior... if you haven't read her fanfiction Fairy Tail - The Dark Keys - The Celestial Dragon than I want you to stop reading this and check it out... I LOVE IT... I feel like I can trust her sooo much even though we only met like a week ago she is one of my SISTAS... She is the best little sister in the whole world =D... I LOVE HER FOREVER (in a sista kind of way)... THIS CHAPPIE IS FOR YOU!!!

Stuff about how bad my grammar and spelling is hehe

Our youtube video would be the 13 zodiac keys... check it out.. it shows each spirit

Or picture would be lucy... I won't give anymore away, you have to read hehe



Last Time on Why Me?=

Natsu smirked "It's a mark, it means that you're mine." He attacked her lips, crushing is warm ones into her soft ones

At first Lucy was stiff, but she soon melted into the kiss, but the peace was interrupted...

Her bag was glowing. Natsu and Lucy parted, Natsu gave Lucy one more kiss before dragging her bag to her.

"Lets go outside, I need some fresh air" Lucy grabbed her bag walking outside.

They sat at the top of the hill under a tree.

Lucy took out the package Igneel had given her, it was shining brightly. She carefully unwrapped it and opened the box.

Inside was a kit with rare herbs, a vial of forbidden potions, and lost magic, and many old recipes and enchantments, but what caught their attention where a bunch of keys than were emitting a bright light.

Lucy carefully picked up one that had a fire sign on the top. She took a deep breath and chanted "I am the celestial princess" She started shining and her clothes changed to... (look at the picture) "Hear my call, pass through the gate! Open the gate!"

*Ding Dong sound*

There was a bright light and out stepped...

(I would end it here, but that's way too short and I have soo many ideas right now hehe)

"IGNEEL!!!" Lucy ran (or went as fast as she could, because she is hurt) to him and gave him a huge bear hug (imagine that... ='>)

Natsu just stood there shocked, this smelled like Igneel and looked kinda like Igneel, but was that really Igneel... (come on he just came from a fricking key... of course he's suspicious)

"Hey you're not going to give your old man a hug?" He extended a arm to Natsu

Natsu marched up to them and pulled Lucy back. "WHO ARE YOU?!?!" he growled

"NATSU!!! LET GO OF ME NOW" Lucy tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let go

Igneel smirked "So you wouldn't recognize ur old man in human form huh? And you seem very protective of Lucy, I thought you forgot about her. You know why she was sad in the first place right? Maybe you'll recognize me now." He changed into a dragon.

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