Chapter 13: "Cole, who is this?"

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Natalie's POV

"What's wrong babe?" Carter asked. I pulled out of the parking lot, and started driving home. I transferred the call to the radio, so I could drive and talk, without holding my phone. 

"Well for starters about 20 our men were killed tonight," I began.

"What!" he yelled,"How?"

"The other gang took them by surprise during a drop," I replied.

"I'm gone 9 hours, and everything goes to hell," he growled.

"That's not the worst part," I sighed.

"Oh god," he groaned.

"The gang that attacked was called the Undead Souls," I explained,"They umm.....they worship Clark Chancellor."

"Are you fvcking kidding me?" he raged.

"And,"I paused,"Some guy wants me dead for killing Clark."

"Whoever this guy is," Carter growled,"He's a dead man, and as for this gang....They'll all be dead before next month." I pulled into the driveway, and sat in the car.

"What do you want me to do?"I asked.

"I want you and the kids to stay safe,"He paused,"Look I gotta go. We'll talk later, I love you Nat."

"I love you too Carter,"I smiled, and hung up.

Kayden's POV

"I'm hungry," Hunter whined. The rest of the guys agreed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let me see what I can find," I sighed, and stood up. I walked downstairs just at the right time, because my mom walked in. "Hey mom,"I greeted.

"Hey Kayd,"She smiled. Didn't she go to the store? Where's the milk?

"Where's the milk?" I asked.

"What milk?" she asked.

"The milk you went to the store for,"I clarified. I gave her a look.

"Oh," Mom chuckled,"That's what I went to the store for

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"Oh," Mom chuckled,"That's what I went to the store for. You see I got to the store, then I forgot what I was there for."

"You're losin it mom,"I chuckled.

"Trust me," mom paused,"I know." She then walked down the hall towards dad's office, and I walked into the kitchen. What am I going to cook? After looking through the fridge, and freezer, I decided on pizza rolls. 

Since it was a new bag I cooked the whole thing, we're growing boys we need food. I turned on the oven, then put the pizza rolls in the oven. Now we wait. I was sitting on the counter when my mom came in.

"What are you making?" she asked.

"Pizza rolls," I replied. She picked up the bag off of the counter, and raised an eyebrow.

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