Chapter 25: "I'm sorry.."

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Lucy's POV

Everything happened so fast...I was sleeping in math class, and then gunfire echoed in the halls. We huddled in a corner, then they took me. I should've listened Wesley. God I'm so stupid!

Whoever these people were, they covered up my head with some sack and now I....I'm scared. Terrified actually. When my parents told me they were in a gang, never was I expecting to be kidnapped....but is anybody really prepared to be kidnapped? Well, if they planned it themselves the-.....Now is not the time Lucy!! You've just been kidnapped!!

We must have been in a vehicle, because it just came to a stop. I felt myself being picked up, and that's when I started kicking. I knew whoever it was, was having a hard time holding me. As I was flailing my foot kicked something, and I heard a groan.

"The little b!tch kicked me,"A thick male accent growled. What language did he sound like? Russian maybe? Anyway, I kept kicking and soon, I started waving my arms. I ended up elbowing my captor in the face, and he dropped me.

When he dropped me I ripped off the sack from my, and took off running. There were woods in the direction I was heading, and I knew if I could make there, I would lose them. However, my escape plan failed when I felt pain shoot through my body. I fell to the ground, and I couldn't move. The immense pain was growing, and I started spazzing out. I had just been tazed. Once the pain stopped I blacked out.

I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up, I was in some dimly lit room that only had a single light bulb. I was strapped down to a chair, and duct tape covered my mouth. My body still ached from being tazed earlier, especially this specific spot on my back.

I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, I was all alone, and very very scared. Tears streamed down my face, and I nearly suffocated when I tried to breathe through my mouth. I have always been a mouth breather so this is very difficult.

I tried to wiggled out of my restraints, but it wasn't working. I stopped wiggling when I heard the door open. Light flooded the room, and I looked around, only to see a man in a red mask walking towards me.

 Light flooded the room, and I looked around, only to see a man in a red mask walking towards me

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The mans 6 foot frame towered over me, and I started to shake a bit. The man ran his hand along my arms, which sent made me shiver in disgust.

"You're awfully pretty,"the man stated lowly,"We'll have fun." My eyes widened, and more tears rolled down my cheeks. The man's hand started heading toward the fly of my jeans, but thankfully the door opened, stopping the man from going any further. In the doorway stood a man in some silver mask. What is it with these masks?

"I have orders from Butch,"the masked man in the door boomed,"You are needed in the loading docks."

"We'll finish this later,"the red masked man huffed, and walked off. The silver masked man walked over to me, and waited until the door was closed to do anything. Once the door was shut the man gently took the tape off of my mouth, and  I let out a loud sob.

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