Chapter 27: Unexpected Returns

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Lucy's POV

I sat there talking Talia, for what seemed like hours before the guys came in. The removed their masks, and Sean ran a hand threw his hair.

"We need a new plan,"Wesley sighed.

"Why?"I asked. They came over to us, and Wesley grabbed my hand. 

"Butch put us on the front line,"Hunter sighed.

"What's that mean?"Talia asked.

"It means we can't be in here to get you out,"Drew explained,"We're right in front of the action. We could be killed!" When Drew said that at looked at Wesley with a scared expression.

"But that won't happen,"Wesley assured,"We'll play it safe. We'll.....come up with something." Wesley squeezed my hand, and rubbed his forehead with his other hand.

"Are you two a thing?" Hunter questioned,"Because I'm pretty sure Kayden won't like it that you're messin around with his little sister."

"We're not messing around,"Wesley glared,"I'm just.....protecting her."

"Mhmm,"Sean smirked.

"Hey Lucy I have a quick question,"Hunter smiled.

"What is it?"I asked.

"Does Jasmine like me?"he smirked,"If she does, tell her I'm available for purchase."

"That's one item I'm taking back to the store,"Wesley chuckled. Hunter looked offended.

"If we make it out of here alive, I'll let her know,"I laughed. Hunter nodded with a smirk. I was going to say something else, but the door burst open.

Two men stormed into the room, and grabbed Talia.

"You 4 get on the front line now,"they ordered, and waited for them. The guys slid on their masks, and walked off. Wesley however, slacked behind. When everyone was gone, he stayed, and walked back over to me. He slid his mask up, and kissed my forehead. I wonder how red my face is?

"I'll be back for you,"he assured,"I promise."

"Please be careful,"I admitted. He slid a knife in my hand, and kissed my forehead again.

"I will,"he smiled, and walked out of the room. Time get these ropes off. 

Cole's POV

 "Does everyone remember the plan?"Natalie boomed. All of the gangs in the warehouse nodded, and looked at her phone. "Alright Keith's gang is there, let's roll out!"she ordered. We both walked over to my car, and I popped the trunk. 

Natalie gave me a weird look. I motioned for her to get in the trunk of my SUV once more, and she just stood there.

"Would you get in the damn car,"I frowned.

"Why do I have to get in the trunk?"she questioned.

"So it looks like I kidnapped you,"I explained. She gave me another weird look but got in the trunk anyway. "Thank you,"I sighed, and closed the trunk. I got in the driver's seat, and took off.

"Hey Cole,"Natalie chimed, from the trunk. 

"Yes Natalie,"I smirked.

"Why is there a bassinet back here?"she wondered. Sh!t. I forgot to take that out.

"It's a long story,"I frowned.

"We've got time,"Natalie stated.

I huffed,"You're so persistent."

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