Chapter 34: "How is he?"

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Cole's POV

"Well lets see,"I began,"When I was younger my brother, Clark, killed my mom. Some gang ritual, it was either his girlfriend at the time, or our mother. He chose my mom. He thought our mother didn't love him, which wasn't true. Anyway, when he killed my mother, that drove my brother Jameson over the edge. He was suicidal all ready, and that was the last straw. I thought he killed himself, but yesterday I found out he was alive...." I trailed off, and Wesley was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Wow,"he gaped,"And I thought my life was bad. Sorry about that."

"It's all right,"I chuckled softly,"I've learned to deal with it."

"What are you gonna do about Jameson?"He asked.

"Talk it out I guess,"I sighed, and felt a tug on my fishing line. I reeled a bit, but I felt nothing on the end. "Alright now finish telling your story,"I order, and gave him a look.

"Umm After my parents died, my brother and sister took care of me,"He started, but I I cut him off.

"You have a sister?"I questioned, and he nodded. "Where is she?"I wondered. He took a minute, and looked down at the ground.

"She's dead,"He whispered,"She died 5 months ago in Afghanistan."

"Military,"I sighed,"I'm sorry about that Wesley."

"It's okay I guess,"He sighed,"I'm still grieving, but.....I'll be okay." 

"How old was she?"I asked, and looked at Wesley.

"28, her name was Cara," he sniffled,"Her birthday is next Tuesday."

"We'll do something for her birthday,"I stated, and patted his back

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"We'll do something for her birthday,"I stated, and patted his back.

"We will?"he questioned, and looked up at me.

"Yeah,"I smiled,"We'll give her the Serpent Brotherhood birthday grievance treatment."

"What's that?"He wondered.

"You'll see," I smirked,"Now lets go do something else, the fish aren't biting and I'm bored." We reeled in the lines, and put the fishing stuff back in the garage.

While we were in the garage, I grabbed my gun along with a few targets. "Ever shot a gun before?"I asked, and Wesley shook his head no. "Good,"I smirked,"Lets go." I led him back outside, and set up the targets.

"Alright,"I began,"Using a gun is simple. Take the safety off, hold on tight, concentrate on your target, and.." I shot at the target, and it was right in the middle. I handed Wesley the gun, and he looked at me.

"Thanks for the crash course,"he mumbled, and aimed the gun at the target. He went to pull the trigger, but it didn't fire. He looked back at me, and I laughed.

"You forgot to take the safety off,"I chuckled, and he sighed. He took the safety off,  then aimed the gun again. It took him a minute before he actually fired the thing, but when he did it landed in the outer ring. "Not bad,"I admitted,"But it took you too long."

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