hurricane jones [5]

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[Wyatt; This Superficial Love by Ruth B]

Wyatt might be a reoccurring character because after writing this, I've become very fond of him.

word count: 2331

Wyatt Stevens was the only boy who could make me speechless, that is, before Dalton.

It was a week later and despite my offering to introduce Quinn and Dalton to the calm sea that was Jamison High School, we hadn't talked much. Well, Dalton and I hadn't but with Quinn being placed in very many of my classes, I had a tough time steering clear from her.

And when my flying under the radar had really gone south lied in the day where Quinn had been dispersed with me due to last name to another class, our teacher not showing. We were supposed to be learning about triangle similarity and trigonometric ratios yet I found myself sitting beside her on the pavement outside while Wyatt Stevens took pictures of whatever his artistic eye had caught.

And he looked gorgeous, he did, excuse my staring. The photography teacher was directing other students on their assignments, it heavily having to do with foliage and Wyatt had veered off the path, snapping away at whatever his heart desired. He was kneeling on the ground, one knee grazing it as he rested his elbow on the other knee, ripped jeans exposing a cut covered by a Spider-Man bandaid, and his camera was steady in his hands as he concentrated. His jaw, clenched tight and sharp was slightly ticking with every picture he took before he pulled away and assessed what he had done. I'd once asked him what he was doing and he'd told me that he'd look for a picture that spoke to him and if he didn't find it, he'd try a different angle.

The angel of a boy shook his head, stands of chestnut hair framing his face as he pushed one behind his ear and tried out a different position, deciding it perfectly normal to kneel fully, leaning back to where I was sure it would be uncomfortable but Wyatt didn't falter, almost completely on his back as he snapped a shot of a bird perching off a tree branch.

I loved watching Wyatt take pictures, as creepy as it sounded; there was just this way about him. He wasn't completely there, 100% invested in what he was doing as his hair was pulled back into a bun and his breathing was even.

There was a slight determination in his stance and a feeling of confidence although no leisure. Photography was everything to him.

Maybe that was why I liked him so much, he'd had a clear vision and a clear feeling for everything he did. Others must've noticed as well because the teacher had paused and I'd seen a few students looking over to catch him in action. Even Quinn had stopped droning on and on about whatever, eyes trained on the boy in a big, white v-neck, and his ripped jeans that fit his butt so nice that I had a hard time looking at anything else, bright yellow high top converse on his feet.

He was basically the male version of Quinn, outfit-wise and he had the same crinkle in between his brown when he frowned, maybe the resemblance between them was the reason I hadn't distanced myself completely from her. But then again, maybe it was her persistence.

"You like him?"

But for some reason, I didn't want her to know I liked Wyatt... Maybe it was the fear of her ruining what small connection I did have with him so I simply shook my head, peeling my eyes away to focus on another student that wasn't half as interesting. I regretted it instantly, "no, why?"

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