hurricane jones [12]

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[Come Back to Earth by Mac Miller (rest easy, mac)]
word count: 2940


Dalton Jones was one of the most perplexing people I'd ever met in my life.

One day, he would be asking me out and wanting to kiss me, the next he avoided me like the plague. It was safe to say, he'd been doing it on purpose following our date. At some point, I'd asked Claire for advice, as she was the only sibling that knew... about boys and -more importantly- about me liking boys... and talking to Quinn about it didn't seem right, she was more Dalton's friend than mine anyways. Times like these, I wished I had friends but my only friends were either half-mine or boys that I couldn't shake my feelings off... I still hadn't told Wyatt that I was gay and maybe I should've since he was the only friend that'd been around long-enough.

But my friendship with Wyatt Stevens wasn't so much the friendship you would hear about in stories, he was someone I hung around occasionally and we had deep conversations but he just wasn't an everyday friend. He could be, I knew that but with that crush I was trying to get over, it felt a little wrong to speak with him on terms of my sexuality or things that were too personal.

I was officially stuck and it had officially been a week of Dalton being aloof. He hadn't tried to strike up any conversation with me in Chem and if I did, it often ended after two short replies, I wasn't very good at keeping conversation going let alone starting it, maybe that was why I was drawn to Wyatt, maybe the fact that he knew how to keep me intrigued had a lot to do with my infatuation.

And maybe Dalton was the exact opposite.

His headphones would be in each time I would try to talk or he would be jotting notes and I felt too awkward to try and engage when he'd be distracted. Dalton wasn't a note taker though, that much was obvious, he hadn't started taking actual notes until he decided anything was better than talking to me.

Sick of tip-toeing and guessing, I'd mustered enough courage to meet him at his locker during a class change. It took the periods beforehand to psych myself up enough and my body was doing this fight or flight thing where I nearly had to dig my feet into the ground in front of him in order to not run away and never speak to Dalton again. I didn't think I could handle the ice-cold stare and that was if he even spared me a glance, what if he ignored my presence completely?

"Why'd you ask me out?" My voice was a traitor and it came out softer than intended, I was never very strong when talking to him, always timid, always submissive. It took me a while to realize that that was one of the things he really liked about me, I hadn't had much courage in the face of confrontation.

Sending me a fleeting glance, he paid more attention to changing out his books, another thing I'd rarely seen him do, "Huh?"

Still, I waited until he was done with that, tried to be patient as we still had around five minutes until the bell rang and we were both going the same way. I waited and I rocked on my heels, trying to not seem as if I were rushing but once he'd closed his locker, his dull eyes were then overly-occupied with his phone and I didn't have time to wait for that to be over too. "Why'd you, ya know?" My air was caught in my lungs and I tried to articulate exactly what I was asking but he still hadn't looked up.

His phone was in his hand, a cool light-gray and I tried not to address how much that suited him; Wyatt's phone had a beat up case with band stickers and chipped sides.

But when Dalton spoke, everything I had in my head about the almond-eyed boy had vanished and it felt like my brain were doing somersaults to keep up with Dalton Jones, to figure out what was going on in that head of his.

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