hurricane jones [16]

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[Friday I'm in Love by The Cure]
word count: 2677


I didn't know what it was like to like and be liked.

Life carried on like normal once the truth was out. Saying it like that almost felt wrong and my family was so unfazed by the discovery that I found myself re-realizing how stupid it all was. I was so scared to share a part of myself, a secret that didn't affect any of them because people portrayed it as some big abnormal thing.

When the animal kingdom mated without care, my sexual orientation somehow was seen as a complete lifestyle change and I was just grateful that my home didn't share the same values.

Or the same biases.

I'd never felt more like I belonged there, that these people were mine for the rest of my life and being reminded of that, warmth sank in and I smiled all the next morning. Through breakfast, I kept my mouth shut as we sat around the table, contentment sewn into my chest.

And Vince and Rhett had their same normal argument when they loaded into Vince's car, it finally repaired. I stuffed myself into the backseat beside miscellaneous items and Rhett's baseball gear. Popping in my headphones as they debated over the station, I gnawed down on my lip, deflating.

Dalton didn't return my text.

"Yo, lover boy coming or what?" That was Vince, making eye contact with me through his rearview mirror and that was instantly interrupted by Rhett's heavy metal decision.

His favorite Kiss song — basically, the only song he knew— blasted through the speakers as I shook my head, Vince not catching it due to the sheer effort it took to not kill our brother.

Around the table that morning, he'd offered up an invitation of a ride to the Aussie dude and honestly, I figured he'd be way more excited to not have to take the bus.

But he hadn't responded just like he didn't for any of my other texts the night prior and I found myself sighing.

"Let's just go." It kind of worried me how he could just fall off the face of the earth like that but I told myself that it was just him being busy. Maybe he was already on the bus. Maybe, maybe he wasn't into me? Dalton was good at making me nervous in that regard and I tried not to fall too into it.

Vince spared me another look once the music was at normal volume, backing out of our driveway. And even if he said nothing, I knew it would be elaborated on later.


"Okay, but like are boy lips like girl lips?" That was the fifth question he'd asked me since flagging me down after first period. Apparently, opening up to my family was all it took for them to start actually going out of their way to talk to me during school hours.

And it would be nice, emphasis on would... if Rhett wasn't so sure that I was the gatekeeper to everything fruity-smelling and rainbow-themed.

He'd been leaning on my locker when I got there, brows pinched together in pondering and with Rhett, you never really knew if the gears actually turned under sandy brown hair. He was biting his lip, headband pushing back his waves and when he'd seen me, he instantly started rattling off questions.

Questions I wished actually made sense.

"I-I guess?"

Honestly, I wasn't sure, and I wouldn't know anyways. I'd never kissed a girl, never actually had a desire to and I also didn't really have the desire to consider it with more thought than that.

Hurricane Jones [boyxboy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora