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Part 7

Sean's POV

We keep silent in our way. My mind is overloaded with many useless thing. I try to think where I will take this girl to have dinner. I don't know what she likes. While my other part of me think about what happened before. How brave I am with her. Damn, I do really want to kiss her lips. Damn, I feel stupid.

I see her next to me. She keep staring at the window, with a blank sight. I know she scared of what I did before. She was trembling when I pretend want to kiss her. And I never saw this tough girl like that before. Maybe I am too much. Well, the worst case is only, she will hate me more. That's all.

But this girl keep messing in my mind. I can't get her out of my mind. Especially after... I kissed her that night. I try to think hard where I will take her to. I know if I asked her, she won't answer at all. And I am the one who want to treat her.

Suddenly I remember a place, beautiful place, which me and my mom usually went. Ah, I missed her so much. She loved that place. She passed away 6 years ago because of her kidney. I love her so much. Ok, I decided to take her to that place. The scene is good enough, and the food is neutral, I think.


Damn, I was really scared. How could he did that to me. But how did I scared that much? I am tough girl. Why can Deanne Lively scared of Sean Donnell? It is just, impossible. Why my heart beat so fast? And anyway, this is the perfect time to seduce him. I need him to complete my quest. But, I just can't do that. At least for now.

But maybe I did make him really angry. He is quiet all the way. And, when I saw him driving, he looked cool, and attractive. Damn, I even have a time to think about that thing. Oh Dee, what happened to you? I don't even know where he will take me to. And that makes me a bit uncomfortable.

I feel his car stopped in front of a luxurious restaurant. It is nice... actually awesome restaurant. OMG, I saw what I wear and don't feel like want to go there.

"Come on, Dee. It's alright. Don't worry. They won't see your wear. Or, pretend it." He smirked while opened my door.


"NO but, Dee. Come on, we can find a place where not many people will staring at you."

I am not sure about that. But I still go in. The restaurant is modern, in white colour, combined with some black natural stone. It is really nice place.

"Table for two, outside", I heard Sean talked to the waitress.

"Yes, sir. Let me escort you". She is a beautiful waitress. She has a classic face, a long brown hair.

I feel like a stupid people. I only follow where she go. Honestly, I never went to the place like this before. And this is a strange place for me. My confidence is totally lost.

"Come on, Dee." Sean hold my hand. I don't dare to release it. I don't want to embarassed myself in front of many people.

The table, which is outside, means, at the beach side. And wow, this is so damn beautiful. The light is warm, warm white colour. We can see some boat from there. And the shadow of the water in the wooden floor, is, just perfect.

The table is white, covered with dark purple satin. There were no flower there, but there is a candle with classic shape. The sky is bright, with full of stars. Half of the moon is hiding behind the cloud. But we still can see it shadow. How can Sean know this kind of place. What is he doing? But the most important is, what am I doing here, wih him? The waitress help me wih the chair and said, "Here is the menu, and you can call me to order. Thank you and enjoy." She smiled.

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