Part 11 : Her bet

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Part 11 : Her bet


It was almost dark when I walk through the lake from library, when I heard someone talk about Deanne. I stopped for a while. there were 2 people. Boy and Girl. But I cannot hear their voice clearly.

"Are you really love her, Brad?" I heard a girl's voice, and continued to a boy's chuckled. " Really love her that you even try to make her marry you? Seriously, Brad?"

"Never been this serious before. I will try anything, or do anyhing, to make her mine". Now I can hear Brad's voice.

"But you cannot do that to Sean. He is a good guy, Brad. How could you do that? Even if he is a jerk to Dee, but still, you can't make her playing with his feeling. It is too cruel, Brad." Did they talk about me? I don't recognize the girl's voice, but clear enough to heard my name called in their conversation. What the hell?

"No, don't worry, she will give up, soon. She wouldn't play with his feeling. Soon she will be completely mine."Brad talked with the voice full of confidence.

Give up? For what? And completely his? What did they talk about? What the hell happened? What he will do to her?

"Are you sure she will give up on your bet and will not try to catch his feeling? How if she continue her bet? Both of you, and also other people, will be heartbroken. Stop it. It is way too dangerous."The girl's voice seemed worried. What Deanne will do? What kind of bet? And Sean, is me?

"No, told you, don't worry too much. She hate him with all her heart. It is impossible that she can handle trying to get his heart. For a month, it is possible. But for 4 months, it is no way. Don't worry, she will lose without hurting anyone. And that Sean, do you think he will like Dee?" Ok, they really talked about me and Deanne. I am not too clear about this, but, I think 80% understand about this. I decided not to continue hearing what they talked about. I don't really care about that kind of thing. I do like her, but I know she will never interested with someone like me. And I will leave this country soon, and will never meet her again. The thing about her, is not a big thing.

I started my car and drove with high speed. Yep, it is not a big thing. But their voice still in my ears. I don't care about this. But I do care about her, Deanne. Is she trying so hard to get my heart? Just for her bet so she would not marry her bestfriend? I have a feeling that she is the one who will be heartbroken. And I don't want to see it. I only too care about her. She had a bad past, and I don't want to see her future ruined also. What should I do?

Without me realizing, I stopped in front of her house. her bedroom is bright. That means she is home. I saw her bedroom with an ivory curtain. What should I do? Tell me Dee, what should I do?


That is how I know about their bet. And now this girl, sit next to me in my convertible. With silence. We are on our way back to school. We skipped the class before and will attend next class. I wonder what she think about right now. I saw her. She looked beautiful in her white t-shirt and her hair is getting longer. I sighed. How can I let her suffered.

"Why?" She suddenly looked at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Why are you sighed so many times? Is your life really that difficult?" She asked with a brave voice, but I can feel the softness behind her voice.

I laughed, "Nothing, Only, something is bothering me."

"You are always have something bothering you. Do you know that you are the one who let that something bothering you. And you can control them to not bothering you."Her anger fulfilll her words.

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