Love Hurts

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Chapter 1

Aaron's POV

Ughhhh, why did I have to fall in love with him of all people? Why did he even choose me to have an affair with in the first place, in fact, why did he choose to have an affair at all, when he has her.

I hate myself for falling for him and I know he uses that to his advantage. If I refuse to do something with or for him, he will use the fact that I love him to bribe/force me into doing something I don't want to.

I think my mum hates that I love him. I think she just wishes he would move away or die, just so she doesn't have to see me hurting every day, but if he was to die or even move away, I would hurt more than what I do now because I would never see him again.

I love him so much it fucking hurts.

Robert's POV

I love him so much it fucking hurts. He can't see that I love him and not her. Every time I say I love him, he has this look on his face, showing me he doesn't believe me and that really destroys me, knowing that he doesn't believe I love him to the ends of the Earth and to the moon and back.

She knows I don't love her, I can sense it from a mile away, I think she suspects that I'm having an affair with someone. In fact, knowing her the way I do, she probably has someone spying on me every time I go out, to see if I'm 'playing away from home'.

We need to tell her what's been going on because I can't keep doing this to her, she doesn't deserve it, she doesn't deserve me and neither does Lawrence or Lachlan.

I get my phone out and scroll through my contacts til I get to the right one, Aaron.

I text him saying, 'Can we meet? I need to talk to you about something xxxx'

He texts back, almost immediately saying 'Yeah, of course. Where do you want to meet xxxx'

I reply 'Meet me in the barn in 5 xxxx'

He replies saying 'OK, I'll be there xxxx'

All I Need Is Forever With You (COMPLETE)(Robron, Robert and Aaron Emmerdale)Where stories live. Discover now