Telling People Part 2

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Chapter 3

Robert's POV

We walked over to Home Farm, hand in hand. Luckily no one was around to see us.

I thought to myself, 'I really really hope that they don't hate me or Aaron. I hope they just listen to what we have to say and not get angry or lash out.'

When we got to Home Farm, Aaron looked as if he was going to faint, so I turned to him and said "It's okay, I'm here." And as I said that, I pulled him closer towards me, to support him in case he fell and wrapped an arm around his waist.

We walked in and I called out "Chrissie...Lawrence...Lachlan, I need to talk to all of you." They all said "We're in the kitchen."

Me and Aaron walked into the kitchen, still holding hands. I also noticed that Ronnie Hale was sat next to Lawrence, they must be together again then.

I said "Before any of you say anything just let me explain something really complicated to all of you. Don't say anything until I have finished talking." They all looked at each other and nodded.

I looked at Aaron and said "Do you want me to do it?"

He replied "Yea." So, I walked us over to a couple of chairs and I sat down in one but Aaron didn't sit on the other chair, he had decided to sit on my lap. I chuckled and looked at the other three. They all had a facial expression that said 'What is going on?'

I sighed and started explaining everything that had happened between me and Aaron, right from that moment that me and Aaron first met, up to today.

As I was explaining everything that had gone on between me and Aaron, I couldn't help but think 'God, the story of our affair makes us sound like love sick children or smitten kittens.' I found parts of our affair were so clichéd. I also realised that me and Aaron were and still are smitten kittens.

I looked over at Aaron and "Aawww'd" internally at the sight of him, curled up in my arms, playing with a thread on my black cotton t-shirt. I knew he was absolutely terrified of what all of them would say.

After about another ten minutes of explaining, I said "And that is everything, right from the moment I met Aaron til now. I'm in love with him, I love him so much words can't describe and I knew we should've just told all of you when we started the affair but neither of us thought of it, it's selfish we know but we were and still are wrapped up in each other and we love each other so much and we want to be together without anymore sneaking around. So, that is everything. Please don't freak out or lash out."

They all looked at each other and looked back at us and what happened next, completely shocked both me and Aaron...

All I Need Is Forever With You (COMPLETE)(Robron, Robert and Aaron Emmerdale)Where stories live. Discover now