Telling People Part 1

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Chapter 2

Aaron's POV

I walked to the barn, making sure to go unnoticed. Why did he want to meet in the first place? He said he wanted to talk about something, what could it possibly be? It can't be good, whatever it is, even though I trust him, it can't be good.

I've been waiting in the barn for five minutes and he still hasn't turned up. Just as I go to walk to the barn door to leave, he opens the door, comes in and closes the door.

He says "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to make an excuse to get away from her."

I say "It's fine. What did you want to talk about?

Robert replies with "It's important but I don't think you'll like it, though."

I say "Just tell me."

He sighed and said "I want to tell people about us, more importantly, Chrissie, Lawrence and Lachlan because they don't deserve to have this kept from them and I want you to tell your mum and I want to tell everyone in the village."

I stood there, shocked because I most certainly wasn't expecting him to come out with that.

After a minute or two of processing and thinking through what he wanted to do, I finally gathered the courage to speak.

I sighed before saying "When was you thinking of telling everyone?"

He says "Today, if that's alright with you?"

I think, then say "Yeah, that's fine but can we tell my mum first and then Chrissie, Lawrence and Lachlan and then everyone else?"

He thinks for a minute or two and replies "Yeah, I suppose we can do that."

I then say "Also, when I'm telling my mum and Paddy, can you be there with me, I don't think that I can face telling them on my own?"

He smiles slightly and says "Of course I'll be there with you. I was going to suggest that anyway."

I laugh a little and say "Did you want to go and start telling them now, or later?"

He replies "I think I'd prefer to tell people now, rather than later."

I say "OK, then, let's go."

He takes my hand and we walk out of the barn together, hand in hand, we walk to the Woolpack, to find my mum to tell her.

When we walk into the Woolpack, everyone is staring at us, luckily Chrissie, Lawrence or Lachlan wasn't in here. We walk into the back room and my mum and Paddy are sat there at the table, drinking a tea and talking quitely amongst themselves.

They notices someone's presence, look up and see us, a weird look forming on their faces.

My mum asks "What do you want, love and why are you here, Robert?"

I look at him and he nods his head as if he knows what I'm thinking. I walk towards the table where my mum and Paddy are sitting and sit beside my mum.

I look at Robert and gesture for him to come and sit down. He gets the message, walks over and then sits down next to me.

I turn to look at my mum and Paddy, and sigh. I say "Mum, Paddy, I have something to tell you and I don't think you're going to like it." I sigh and I feel a hand on my leg, softly squeezing my thigh, letting me know that he's here if I need him. I turn my head and smile slightly at him, thanking him, silently.

I turn back to my mum and Paddy and say "Mum, Paddy, me and Robert have been having an affair for around four and a half months and we decided it was the right time to tell people."

She gasps and says "Oh, my god. I thought you had dumped Chrissie?!"

I say "No, he didn't. We never told you because I was afraid of what you would say because I know how much you hate Robert and I was afraid that you would hate me because I'm with him."

She says "I could never hate you, you're my son and I love you to pieces, I just don't necessarily agree with your decisions in life sometimes. I don't hate Robert that much. If he's good enough to you and for you and you're happy with him, then I'm happy. All I want is you to be happy. But you better think about telling Chrissie." Paddy just nodded in agreement.

I laugh a little and say "Oh, my god, I thought you were going to hate me. We're going to tell Chrissie. We planned on telling her after we had told you."

My mum said "Oh, right, OK. Just make sure you don't leave out any details, unless it's sexual and tell her why you started the affair. If you explain it all in detail, I'm sure she will be less mad and I'm sure she'll forgive you easier." Again, Paddy just nodded in agreement.

Robert says "I will do. I just hope she doesn't hate me afterwards."

I say "Robert, we need to go and tell her, now."

He sighs, stands up and says "Yeah, I know."

He holds his hand out for me to take. I take it and as we're walking out the door, my mum and Paddy says "You really do make a cute couple." We all laugh and walk out and head to Home Farm, expecting the worst...

All I Need Is Forever With You (COMPLETE)(Robron, Robert and Aaron Emmerdale)Where stories live. Discover now