Moving In

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Chapter 5

Aaron's POV

After what seemed hours of walking to Home Farm, we finally got there. We walked in and walked through the house, discovering they were still in the kitchen.

Chrissie said "What are you guys doing back here already?"

I looked at Robert and said to all of them "Robert wants to move into the pub with me and me mum, today. Is that alright or is it too soon?" I was hoping as they all looked at each other, that they would say it's fine.

After a couple of seconds silence apart from the ticking of the grandfather clock in the living room, Chrissie turned to me and Robert and said "That's fantastic! Of course it's fine for him to move in with you and Chas today. I'll go find a few suitcases out for you, Robert."

I breathed a sigh a relief and so did Robert. Chrissie went upstairs to find out a few suitcases and it was just such an awkward silence hanging in the room.

Lachlan walked out of the room to go meet up with Noah, which just left me, Robert, Lawrence, Ronnie and awkward silence in the room.

Lawrence then spoke up and said "You really do love each other, don't you?"

Robert spoke before I could get a word out. "Yeah, we really do. We're still ashamed that we went behind Chrissie's back and had an affair but if we didn't, we wouldn't be here right now. So we really, really do love each other with all our heart and I can't put into words how much Aaron actually means to me. I can also obviously tell that you and Lawrence are back together and I'm genuinely happy for you, I always thought that you two were good together."

Lawrence and Ronnie both nodded at the same time and Lawrence replied "Yeah we are back together and thank you, we finally decided to give it a proper go after all these years."

I said "Yeah, I can't put into words how much Robert actually means to me, either. Yeah I agree, you two are good together."

Just then Chrissie came down and said "The suitcases are on the landing, Robert."

Robert replied "OK, thanks Chrissie."

She said "No problem." He started walking towards the stairs and I followed.

I helped Robert pack all of his belongings into the suitcases and then we walked downstairs, said thank you to Chrissie and Lawrence and left.

We got back to the Woolpack and went straight upstairs to my room, scratch that, mine and Roberts room now and unpacked all of his things. When we finished unpacking, my mum was shouting that dinner was ready, so we went downstairs and we walked into the back room and we sat down to a nice meal of spag bol. When we had finished, Robert offered to do the washing up but my mum said no and to go and watch TV or a movie or something. So we went upstairs and we put the TV on and watched a documentary on Space and cuddled.

I felt my eyelids drooping, I yawned and Robert said "Tired, babe?"

I nodded and he said "Okay, I'll turn the TV off and we can get some sleep. Sound good babe?" I just nodded.

I felt him get off the bed and after a few seconds get back into bed. He turned the bedside lamp off and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed my cheek and said "Goodnight babe. I love you."

I managed to say back "Goodnight. I love you too."

And so we slept, entwined with each other, not knowing what horrible events tomorrow would bring...

All I Need Is Forever With You (COMPLETE)(Robron, Robert and Aaron Emmerdale)Where stories live. Discover now