Chapter 13: Dementors in the Underpass

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Ron still hadn't forgotten that little scene at the Quidditch World Cup, even if it had been weeks since the raid had happened. They were now returning to school for their fourth year, and even though he was quite excited about whatever it was that his family had been so stubborn to say, he felt as though it had been a betrayal. But how could he? She was just fixing up his bone... And besides, he knew they were in a relationship... Harry and Hermione were discussing with some others about what they thought was the big event. Normally, Ron would be the one most engulfed in this, but his mind was set on how to pay back Malfoy for stealing his lost love... What the bloody hell is the matter with me?! She's just a girl... a beautiful girl, with long, brown, silky smooth hair, a perfect body and lips... Luscious lips... Lips? Ron, get a hold of yourself. Those lips strictly belong to Malfoy! 

"Ron?" came a voice, "Ron?! Ron? Ronald!"

The voice became louder and louder.

"What?!" Ron finally replied groggily.

"We're almost at Hogwarts! Best you change into your robes," said Harry, "I expect we'll be arriving in 5 minutes."

"Alright, yeah," Ron got up, walking to where he'd kept his robes in a pile. Hermione and Ginny left the compartment, leaving Harry and Neville with Ronald, all changing into their black robes. Neville had turned away, not wanting the other two to see his bare chest. It was quiet, except for the fact that Harry kept jabbering on about what the event was going to be. Then Harry noticed Ron wasn't paying attention.

"Something the matter?" he asks, staring worriedly at Ron.

"Nothing," mumbles Ronald, pulling on his pants. Neville's done, so he sits down once more, his face burried in a Herbology book. Harry knows best to just leave it alone, that Ron will talk about it when he wants to. They continue to dress in silence, and take their seats once more. Harry and Neville are in a heated discussion about Defence Against The Dark Arts when Hermione and Ginny run in.

"GUESS WHO WE JUST SAW!" Hermione said once she caught her breath.

"What?" Harry asks, looking from the two girls like a hawk. 

"Catriona Goldstein and-"

"You're not going to rat her out for something are you?" Ron asked quickly, finally paying attention. 

"No!" Ginny said, "Now shut up and listen."

"Catriona and Draco - them - in a room - oh my god." Hermione gasped, a look of half amusement and half disgust on her face.

"Spit it ou!" Harry said excitedly, "I'd love to spill the beans on them!"

"There're no beans TO spill!" Ginny laughed, then urged Hermione to go on. Hermione kept laughing so Ginny had to finish.

"Draco and Catriona were sleeping together! It was adorable!" Ginny yelled, then fell down next to Hermione and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Neville whipered to Harry, who looked at Ron, who looked just as confused.

"Girls," Ron heard Harry muttered, and he quietly agreed. After a few minutes of watching them laugh, Ron asked, "Where are they? I mean, what compartment?"

"Come on then," Hermione replied, getting up and making her way out of their own compartment, lead Harry, Ron and Neville to a compartment all the way to the end of the train. In their, a tousled blond boy and a girl with silky brown hair were cuddling, though they looked awake, were sleeping.

"What's so funny?" Ron fumed. Why did he feel so betrayed?

"Look closer, at Cat's neck!" Hermione said, smiling. Before Ron could see though, Harry pointed it out.

"She has a hickey!" he said, laughing, "I never knew Malfoy could play so rough!"

And he too started laughing, but Hermione slapped his arm.

"Blimey, Hermione! How come I'm not allowed to laugh and you are?!" Harry said angrily, rubbing his left arm.

"You might wake them up!" Hermione hissed, as she started walking back to their compartment.

"To hell with that." Ron said, and grabbed his wand.

"Ron," Harry said cautiously, "What are you up to?"

"Alohamora," Ron pointed his wand at the compartment lock, and heard a click, completely ignoring his best friend and Longbottom.

"Ron, I think we should go back," Neville said quietly, and he too turned around and walked back to their compartment. Ron ignored this and opened the door quietly, where Malfoy and Goldstein were cuddled. 

"DEMENTORS! DEMENTORS EVERYWHERE! GET UP YOU IDIOTS!" Ron jumped in to the compartment quickly, and when he saw the two get up quickly, he left just as fast as he'd arrived.

"RONALD. BILIUS. WEASLEY." Hermione appeared, "How could you?!"

"How could I what?" Ron asked innocently, trying to pass her.

"You know exactly what I mean!" Hermione fumed, blocking his way. He'd never seen her look so - so - so ferocious

"Hermione, get out the way. We need to get our stuff," Ron said, trying to push her arm away, but he was unsuccessful. Ron was surprised at how strong she was.

"Ron Weasley, you are going to go back right now and apologize! They must be scared out of their wits!" Hermione said. She grabbed Ron's shoulders, turned him around and pushed him all the way back to Draco and Cat's part of the train.

"Hermione! Stop being such a mom!" Ron yelled, trying to escape. 

"No!" Hermione shouted, "Apologize!"

"No." Ron said firmly, and stopped struggling.

"Why not?" Hermione said, half out of exasperation and another half out of curiousity.

"Because I might wake them up again." Ron pointed to the pair, who were - now in their uniform - cuddled up again, snoozing against each other as though no one had ever burst into their compartment telling them that there were Dementors.

"Oh." Hermione said, obviously befuddled. They both turned around and went quietly to their compartment, where Harry, Neville, and Ginny were sitting, eating fresh Pumpkin Pasties. Harry handed the two one each, and they both sat down, face to face.

"Why're you grinning like such an idiot?" Ron asked a bemused Harry, who merely shrugged and made an attempt to keep a straight face. The rest of the ride was quiet, and they finally felt the train come to a stop. 

"Ron, promise me you never do that again," Hermione whispered, "Dementors are a very serious thing, and nothing to joke about."

"Yes, mother," Ron said, catching up to Harry, who was talking with Neville, about what, he couldn't make out.

"Mate, look who it is!" Ron pointed to a girl who was staring as her friends chattered loudly behind her. Harry looked up and watched as Cho Chang swiftly move her head. 

"She's got it in for you," Neville said in a very unNeville-ish way. Ron laughed loudly and Harry felt his cheeks go red.

"Yeah, well Ron's got it in for that Catriona girl," Harry pointed out. 

"Ron? Nah, she's too good for him." Neville joked, "Besides, she's in Hufflepuff, isn't she?"

"Yeah, but she's also dating a Slytherin, so anything's possible now, isn't it?"

"Shut up, both of you," Ron snapped, looking down the whole time as they got into the horseless carriages. 

"What's gotten into you?" Hermione asked him, "Why aren't you being stupid as usual?"


"None of your business!" Ron yelled, and the entire carriage went quiet. Ron finally came to his senses half way to the castle.

"Sorry," he said quietly, "About yelling..."

"It's OK," Hermione said, "But really, what do you think-"

"Come on, we're there," Harry interrupted, and together they all left and walked inside to a large hall with 5 tables.

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