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"there are times where you need to realise, they just simply aren't worth it."


I exhaled heavily, knowing that there was practically no way to escape out of this situation I had accidentally landed myself in. As soon as the door was cacophonously shut, my arm was tightly gripped by my furious, panicking mother, pulling me towards her. Mixed emotions were rushing through me all at once; I was pleading that my aching mind would have the ability to somehow forge an excuse of why I came back later than I should have. Sanctions were frequent in this household, seeing as I had strict parents and which who had a particular background of acting upon their doings, but only for little things. When I was younger, I had to admit, I was a cheeky girl but through the years, maturing took its place meaning I rarely received severe punishments.

But now, I wasn't so sure.

"Where on earth have you been?" My mother asked ferociously, not intending on letting go of my arm, which I attempted to wriggle out of. I couldn't let them know I had spent several hours with famous boys, despite them knowing I had done the interview-but that was with obvious supervision and awareness. If my parents had knowledge of this, they'd practically find out everything-from Jermaine's sly and kind ways, to perhaps pursuing even more of a bigger acknowledgement with the Jackson 5.

"I'm sorry, I..I met up with Lydia and she was so excited to see me and I was too, leading to us hanging around the mall, having lunch and just simply having a long conversation. I forgot to buy my things; I wasn't up to anything bad, I promise you. I guess I let time pass too quickly," I sighed in guilt, pleading I wouldn't land into trouble with my father also. Lydia was a good friend of mine but now..it didn't feel like she was. She acted funny at times and kept secrets from me, happily sharing them with people who she barely knew. But whatever.

"And your silly mind couldn't think for one second about the time and how worried your damn parents were going to be?" Father raged furiously. I trembled, knowing that indeed my father was more stricter than my mother. That made me even more terrified of what my sanction was going to be. I had to play this through, get them to see that one silly occurrence shouldn't cause them to lose their trust in me.

Judging by the tensing of my mother, she knew that he had gone a little too far. Despite that, she didn't comment on his angered actions-this mean she was really disappointed in me.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I didn't mean it-you know I'm not one who hangs around during the night. I've never done it before. It's summer, of course I was going to lose track of time-in this season, nine o'clock can look like two o'clock," I chewed my bottom lip, linking my fingers together.

"Who says you're not going to do it again? You're going to be fifteen soon; I don't know if this is some sort of act to feel like your big just because you're maturing into a young adult. I wouldn't have ever put you down as the kind of girl who would go against her parents' rules," My mother frowned, placing her hands onto her hips. She shook her head at me, leaving me disappointed that an exciting day at the Jacksons house had turned out to be upsetting once I came home to face the trouble I was now in.

"It was an accident." I didn't even bother to extend or endeavour to get them to believe me-although they had taken my lie into consideration, it was clear they didn't trust me and that hurt. Although I wasn't going to tell them I spent the day with the boys of the Jackson 5, I didn't want to be viewed as an irresponsible daughter who consistently have fabrications.

"You know what, just get upstairs and change into your pyjamas. If you're hungry, come down and get a snack or you can eat the dinner that was meant to be eaten an hour ago," he lightly pinched the bridge of his nose, waving me off with a flick of his hand as he made his way into the living room. My mother followed, letting out an exhale of someone who had been let down.

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