Chapter 6/Part 3 - Bubbles and Squeak

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Vrye and Pagne searched for signs of Saloonka among the trees, but there were none to be found. Screams and howls of creatures unseen echoed all around them. They were a fair way in, and soon the guiding glow of the lake would be lost to them. Without it they might never find their way out. Then, from the corner of his eye, Pagne was sure he saw a tree move.

"Do you think it would be better to wait for Sally away from this place?" the Master asked as his knees began to rattle. "That story was not meant to be true, but I swear on my beard these trees are alive."

"Some king you are," Pagne said quietly, he was too proud to admit his own terror to the likes of Vrye. "The once mighty King is afraid of some wandering trees." There was a low, growling noise, but no traceable silhouette to accompany it. For what good it would do him, Pagne let his pride go with a whimper and attached himself to Vrye's arm.

"I was never mighty," Vrye said unashamedly and all the reassurance Pagne had gained from being close to him withered away. "What exactly were you expecting the King to be? I know so many different stories, and new ballads have been written almost every year since I got off the throne."

Something was getting closer. The soft pad of its paws thumped in Pagne's ears as his heart thrummed in his chest. This time it was Vrye who moved nearer and their pace slowed to a crawl.

"One tale I heard, said that the King was stronger than an ogre, and bigger too, with heavy, spiralled horns and he swung a pair of scythes in either hand against legions of Tyvern," Pagne replied with a sigh. It was not his favourite of the tales, but still knowing it was not true filled him with despair.

Vrye let forth a bout of laughter that put them both in danger. "That is one of my favourites," he said at a careless volume. "but, I'm not even sure if you could say there was a war. More of an unfortunate incident involving a sneeze."

For the first time in Pagne's life—which seemed terribly short when death was only an imminent ambush away—he wholly believed something that came out of the Vrye's mouth. "A more...kingly king would be much better right now. Isn't there a single heroic bone in your body?"

"Not one that you're old enough to know about, young Bubbles," Vrye answered with a twirl of his goatee.

As Pagne attempted to distance himself from the Master's vulgarity, he stumbled on a fallen branch. The resulting crack was followed by another snap, no more than three lengths of rope ahead of them. With some fast thinking, he pulled Vrye between himself and the sound to use as a shield against whatever was out breaking twigs.

It was no use when the beast, large enough to eat both in a single mouthful, leapt out of the darkness and barrelled toward them. It had an enormous head, with teeth like tusks, much too big for its slobbering jowls to cover. Too petrified to move, Pagne accepted that his last sight would probably be the monstrosity's tonsils, and venturing into the woods was a really daft idea.

"Bubbles," Vrye croaked. "I know you don't exactly love me, but I want you to know that I think you're pretty decent."

"Even if you're a complete disappointment, I don't hate you, Vrye," Pagne offered in return. He was not about to be too kind after the Master's poor excuse for a compliment.

When all seemed lost under a shower of drool, the beast unleashed a blood-curdling yowl.

"Found you, you sneaky bastard!" came a shout from behind the beast.

There was a rat, hanging by the teeth from one of its big, green eyeballs. Pagne recognised Sid, the savage black and white rat. The beast tried to shake off its attackers, bashing its body against the trees around it. It must have been a wild ride, but Saloonka was hanging from some spines protruding from its back with a sure grip. He snapped another from the beast's back and wielded it like a mighty sword of legend. Pagne and Vrye were still holding on to one another in sheer terror, staring in awe as Saloonka swung down the beast's leg and lopped off a toe.

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