Chapter 19/Part 1 - Prima Donna

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Nibbs ran his hand down the painted canvas that bore Anastasia's debut in the gardens. It was a shame that such a beauty would have to be destroyed. He took in her painted visage one last time, then left his office.

His guards had been displaced, a sure sign that treachery was afoot. Anastasia was trying to make him feel unsettled, but he would see if she did not feel the same with a loyal army at his back during her coronation. Unfortunately, with Zaech's interruption he could not guarantee Ordena's support, but if he could catch the meddling Duchess by surprise, the army alone ought to be enough.

Ambling as fast as his limp would allow, Nibbs made for the stables and had Sherri readied. He saw the gift he had meant to present to Pagne for his birthday waiting patiently in a stable of his own. A rare unicorn stallion that would have suited him so well. If only Nibbs could have ridden out with his son by his side, but alas, the boy was beguiled by that blue-eyed temptress. So, he went alone, down stalk, cap, and mountain side. Past the Drakeward bridge, over the Alpheron, and onward to Thereth.

The ink-black fields of Alphisium, sprawling as far as his eye could see bloomed with mushrooms of every shape and colour. The fine piece of countryside made Nibbs proud to be a Tyvern. It could not be allowed to fall into the hands of peasants and Wyverkiiri. Without a doubt that would be the next step for Anastasia. Alphonse's descendant or not, the country was operating as it should, and Nibbs could not allow anyone to change that.

The Duchess was cunning though. There was no telling who had been turned against him. Spies could be anywhere, so as soon as the land opened out beyond the river, he abandoned the road and sought paths under the cover of larger fungus where he could. As a further precaution, he did not travel directly to Thereth. Time, like everything else, was not on his side, but it was better to enjoy a few dinners in his country cluster before heading on.

Sherri rode swift and smoothly, understanding Nibbs' urgency. It was almost like her hooves did not touch the ground in the hours between Hereth and his estate. He rewarded her generously once she was settled under her stable-shelf with a large helping of dried carrots in her feed bag.

The supplies stowed in his home were another advantage of the delay, among which he kept some experimental equipment like those detailed in the works of Alphonse. The Alchemist had left plans for explosive displays which Nibbs had altered into anti-Amphoerix weaponry. Though not tested, they were worth taking.

Finally, he stopped for breath, and rung the bell for his butler. He handed the fellow three silver kerchiefs to convey to Thereth—a message only understood by the highest ranks of the army—and sent for Kabech's country physician to see to this darned leg.

It was beyond leeches and bleeding, and needed some proper medicine.

Making his way to his bed where he would receive his treatment, Nibbs passed by a bookshelf where one title in particular stood out to him. 'Cindergarbler' had always been Pagne's favourite goblin story. He went over and took it out, the pages all quite ragged from the amount of times he had read it to his son. Nibbs smiled and carried it with him to read as he rested.

Little wonder Pagne had fallen for Anastasia. The story told of a peasant girl turned princess, though Nibbs felt there was something of his own past in it. He too had crawled out of the underground to a high station, but more like Anastasia than the princess of the tale, cunning had been key in such a social climb, not a pretty dress and a cabbage with wheels stuck on.

There was the chance, however, of a more dangerous power working behind Anastasia. If, instead of being a pauper princess, she was a plant by the Ladies of Fareth to undermine Kabech's rule, then he faced a more formidable foe with the backing to match.

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