Chapter 7/Part 1 - Diabolical Decoration

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The Wyverkiiri packed up camp and set off after a rest and breakfast of yet more stew. Pagne had not seen Saloonka after his swim until he found the fiend already packed and sitting comfortably inside their carriage.

"We're ready to go if you are," Pagne announced to Vrye as he climbed in and sat opposite Saloonka.

They set off at a good pace, and all was well until Britney left the comfort of Pagne's pocket. She had Duskerro desperately clinging to Edward Fitz Stuffing, scorning him with squeaks and tugging at his toy. Pagne tried to remove her from Edward before she suffered the same fate as Elvis, but she persisted with another savage hiss and a strong pull, then made off with her prize.

Pagne could not hold back a yelp when Britney dropped the toy in his lap. "Are you trying to get me killed?" he cried and tried to return Edward to Duskerro, but each time Britney brought it back to him.

The fiery rat stared up at Saloonka and pulled miserably at his ears. His glowing eye-holes billowed out steam and quickly filled the cabin with an unpleasant dampness. His curls would be a frizzy mess thanks to the rat's emotions.

"Look what you've done now! You made Duskers cry!" Saloonka shouted at Pagne as if it were his fault.

"It wasn't me!" he replied. "Britney, please give Duskerro his toy before someone gets hurt."

She squeaked up at him and sat herself down on FitzStuffing defiantly.

"You're wrong, Brit. Duskerro likes Edward much more than Franz does. Franz doesn't like anything, not even you," Saloonka cut in.

"That's not true," Pagne frowned and petted Britney. "But you really should return Edward before this carriage gets any steamier."

Britney angrily twitched her nose at the fiend, but finally returned the toy and Duskerro quickly scurried as far away from her as he could with his possession in tow. Saloonka twitched his nose back at the cream rat and occupied himself with stroking Pagne's head. Britney scampered up his side to do the same, and soon a competition erupted in his supple, white curls.

Thankfully a knock on the wall provided Pagne with an opportunity to escape. He was perhaps too hasty when he opened the chatting slot to the driver's seat, having buffeted Vrye with a gush of steam.

"What is it, Vrye?" Pagne said with a guilty cringe as the Master shook off his surprise and condensation. He also had a feeling that Saloonka was grinning at him, but when he turned to scowl, he saw that the fiend was merely grinning at his own reflection in Vrye's old mirror.

"Hello, Franz. Might I speak to Sally?" the Master asked. He put the reigns between his teeth and pulled a powder case from his pocket to re-puff his face.

"Saloonka is busy right now, please leave a message with the Franz," Saloonka called out from the back.

"Do ask Sally if I can borrow that mirror I gave him," Vrye said, showing considerable skill for driving while amending his make-up. "I need to be sure I'm presentable before we get to Ysenich."

Though Saloonka would have heard the request, Pagne relayed it anyway. "He says he wants his mirror. Could you part with it for a moment?"

"No, it's mine now," the fiend snapped.

Britney leapt up and stole the mirror from him then scampered out the window with it. In his failed attempt to stop her, Saloonka got himself in an awkward twist with Pagne. They were nose to nose, and a sudden rough patch in the road only served to make the situation more uncomfortable.

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