Chapter 4/Part 3 - Exposé

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A little after breakfast that night, Vrye had tucked himself away in Vasherri's closet. It was mostly empty when he climbed in, but after a few hours a delivery was made by his dashing son and later found by the Wyverkess.

Despite their snooping, Vrye had managed to stay undetected among a pile of undergarments that had been left unburgled. His son was far too decent to be nicking knickers. Vrye, on the other hand, had found a pair that would look far better on him and probably did not fit the voluptuous Wyverkess anyway.

As for his reasons for hiding in such a place, they were perfectly innocent. He was no peeper despite staring out through the crack between the closet doors. He simply had to be sure Vasherri was not hiding Mister Nibbs from him. From his observations, it seemed she was telling the truth, but for the sake of decency he could not leave the closet while she was still in the room.

So, he waited patiently for an opportunity to escape.

As Vasherri dressed it became apparent that her outfits had been altered, and handsomely so. Her skirts had been made into breeches, her corset held her warts in place, and the fabric was a perfect shade of plum, just like the Academy curt—

The curtains were missing, or rather, they seemed to have been re-purposed. Vrye would have to have some words with his son about that. Without drapes, any passing Tyvern could get a free show.

Returning to the matter at hand, Vasherri was screaming again. Her twins came running into the room, and continued to run as she chased them. She was caterwauling about the theft of her mirror.

It was apparent that Vrye had a few more lessons to give that light-fingered lad of his.

"Our mirror is gone too, Mama," the pair of Wyverks complained together as they scampered about like blind mice.

But their mother was fit for an old girl and caught them both in a jiffy. She held them by the ears, but for the first time in their lives they were innocent.

"We've searched every room for a mirror, but they've all gone missing." Ginolo had his arms crossed and tapped his foot where a rug had once been. "Pagne is missing too, and that friend he brought with him. I just know that fellow of his has a lot to do with this."

Vrye could see that the twins' outfits had also been remade. Tonicolo's new clothes were fashioned out of soft cloth that draped wonderfully—he recognised some pieces of cushion and tablecloth—while Ginolo's were as stiff as one would expect of old leather and misplaced rugs. His simply would not do for business.

"If they're both missing, they probably went to the market to pick up some new mirrors. Pagne said he would replace one of the damaged paintings in his room, and you know how he is about décor. If one thing changes, he must make everything match. Ohohoh!" Vasherri trilled and released her troublesome twins. "Why don't we go follow them? I must see those two in action!"

"What a great idea, Mama. We can prove our handsome stranger's innocence to Ginolo." Tonicolo replied.

It seemed someone had taken a fancy to Vrye's son, but he would never allow anything to happen between his dear boy and either of those two rascals.

"I think it's a fine idea too, so you can both see that good-for-nothing is no good for Pagne," Ginolo said.

For Pagne? Now that was a match worth considering. They would have to elope of course, and Vrye would be sure to be available to console Nibbs if he were to ever find out that his son had run away for good.

"I will be accompanying you," Vrye announced as he burst out of the closet.

They were all looking at him like he was some kind of criminal...which was not helped by the incriminating evidence in his hand. He tucked the underwear away in his pocket and carried on.

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