The Wake - episode 31

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My money for what it’s worth would have gone on Willie Henry, known to some in Derry by the sobriquet McGillycuddy of the reeks, not to be confused in any shape or form of course with Donough McGillycuddy, direct descendant of Mogh Nuaghad King of Munster and current chieftain of the McGillycuddy of the Reeks clan, educated at Eton and Neuchâtel and now living in Himeville, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, according to an article in the Irish Times I have here in front of me.

Neither was there any way of ascertaining whether this rearward breaking of wind was involuntary or carried a message, what I mean is some kind of gesture directed at Bill. Whichever was the case the stink was so bad that it would have made a skunk throw up if one had been present.

The three male suspects were perfectly unreadable while Margie was staring pointedly at the coffin, lips tight together with controlled I’m not sure what. The thing she was implying by her knowing look was awful of course though not necessarily unthinkable. I suppose Bradley & McLaughlin would be the ones to ask. I’ve heard for example that undertakers have to block up all the orifices to stop leaks. It’s disgusting when you think about it but I suppose that’s the way we’re made. If God really exists, and sometimes you have to wonder, you’d think at least He’d have given us a bit of dignity. Temples of the Holy Ghost, isn’t that what we’re supposed to be? Well, if the Holy Ghost stopped doing whatever it is He does nowadays and thought about it all for a second He might just decide He didn’t want His name associated with us.

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