The Beginning of the End

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The rest of the interview went well. I learned some new things about Aurelia and the same could be said for her. When Charlotte was letting her back in her room she asked me if my father was really a Duke and she said she had no idea how prominent my background was. I guess I failed to mention the people that turned their back on me.

I sat in the edge of my bed and waited for Charlotte who was taking a bit longer than usual. And then I heard it. His footsteps rang through the hallway. He yanked open each and every door. "Come on! All of you, out! Report to breakfast! Charlotte is sick today, so you'll have to deal with me." He opens my door and just smiles.

Next, he goes across the hallway to Aurelia's door and yanks it open. "What do we have here ladies?!" He screeches. Ladies? What did he mean. I hear Aurelia's voice pleading with him. Ridgeway disappears into the room and pushes out a woman. She is nude, but clutches to her clothing to shield herself. Her golden hair is covering her face.

"Holly?" I say.

The woman looks up, "I'm sorry." She scurries down the hall. "I still have the story," she whispers to me as she leaves.

Ridgeway comes out of the room, tugging Aurelia by her arm. She's fighting against him, but we both know she won't get away. He guides her roughly down the hall and they disappear around the corner. I told her not to act on the reason that brought her here. I don't want to imagine the suffering he's about to put her through.

I walk to the cafeteria by myself. I eat by myself. It reminds me of my first days here when I had no one. Though, it was even more uncomfortable now that I had made a friend. I looked at the huge clock on the wall. She had only been gone for fifteen minutes. She'll be gone for at least another forty-five minutes.

Next, I go to the common area and sit in the sofa by myself. John comes over and sits with me. I give him a strange look. He looks apologetic. "Listen, I'm not going to hurt you."

"What do you want?" I back away a little.

"Your friend will be back in about ten minutes, but she won't be the same," he mumbles.

"What do you mean 'she won't be the same'? What did he do to her?" I can feel my heart sinking.

"The only known cure for homosexuality is a lobotomy. This entails taking an ice pick and pushing it through the eye socket until it severs nerves to the frontal lobe. The patients are never the same. They seem almost brain dead," he pursed his lips.

"Why are you telling me this?" I fight back tears.

"I wanted you to have time to prepare yourself before you saw her. I-I can't tell you how sorry I am."

"Why are you being so kind now when you and Henry have been so horrible?" A tear escapes.

"For years, I thought Dr. Ridgeway was just overly committed to rehabilitating patients. I'm suddenly realizing it now that it's too late that he belongs in this place," without another word he leaves.

I break out in tears. I have lost my best friend. Forever.

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