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The car journey was silent. Nothing but the sound of each other breathing and the slight whistle of the wind through the vents. El had no idea of what tonight could bring. She didn't know how to tell him, how to say that things have got worse. She didn't want to upset him.

After what felt like an eternity Jay finally came to a stop in front of a small piece of beach away from the town.

"This is my little secret. Before dad...well...he bought some beach, as you do, and now I just like to come here to think." Jay said his voice soft giving El the comfort that she despretly needed.

"It's beautiful Jay." She said, a small smile took over her lips as she looked out onto the beach, studying it as if it was a picture. A memory she wanted to keep forever no matter what happens.

Jay looked over at El admiring her beauty as she fell into a world of her own. It was only then he realised how lucky he was, how after everything he put her through she can still stand by his side and say that she wants to be with him. He hates himself everyday for what he did knowing it was the worst mistake in his life time but he tried to not focus on that right now, he didn't want to be angry for this. For El's sake.

He made his way over to her and intertwined their fingers, shivers running up his body as though it was the first time he touched her. "We'll walk and talk, come on."

He lightly tugged on her arm as he guided her away from the car park and down onto the beach.

Moments passed before Jay finally picked up the courage to start the conversation.

"Why?" Was all he managed to ask, he didn't trust himself going any further as he knew he'd break if he did.

El was silent, her head bowing in shame as she let his question bounce around in her head. So little but yet so much asked all within the single word.

"El. Please tell me. Why?" They had stopped now a few meters away from the sea. El lifted up her head and stared out, she watched as the waves crashed against each other, her mind felt at peace here. It reminded her of every happy moment her life had given her and she smiled...then she remembered why she was here. Her smile soon faded and she turned back around to face Jay.

She lifted ther intertwined hands and started drawing small circles on them as she kept her head down.

"He's gotten worse." Her voice fragile as she spoke of her father.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jay said, his voice full of worry and hurt as he brought their bodies closer together.

She lifted up her head to look into his eyes. "I didn't want to worry you." She spoke softly.

"Princess..." He sighed as he used his free hand to lightly cup her cheek, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on her as she snuggled her head in his hand content with the feeling that had now washed over her.

"It's your job to worry me. It's your job to tell me these things, how am I meant to help you if I don't know what's wrong? You can't keep things bottled up inside, you need to talk to get it out otherwise you'll just keep hurting yourself and I can't let you do that." El knew everything Jay said was true but she still struggled talking, after only having herself as comfort she found a way to deal with pain on her her own, now she has someone she doesn't know what to do.

"You can't stay in that house anymore. I won't let you."

"Where else am I meant to go Jay? I have no where left to go." El said her voice raising slightly.

"I don't know yet but I'll figure something out. Now come on, I have a tub of ice cream and Marvel film at mine with your name on it."

"Thank you Jay." El said as a smile took over her face. Jay bent down and lightlt kissed her forehead before whispering to her,

"Always Princess."

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