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The air in the room was still as Jay was called up to the stand as a witness to the merciless crime in hand. The man didn't get very far from town before the police managed to get hold of him and in-prisoning him within their custody.

Jay's palms began to get clammy as he made the short walk to the small pedestal next to the judge. The man glared at Jay as he went passed him, his handcuffed hands lie limply on his knees as he sat in his dirty orange jumpsuit next to his attorney. It made Jay wonder how he could even afford one in the first place with most of his money going on cheap liquor and cigarettes.

He lowered himself onto the wooden chair before El's attorney stood up and began the questioning. "Mr. Morton, would you like to walk us through what happened that afternoon?" He addressed Jay.

Jay was nervous as the eyes of many fell on him but after a few sputters he managed to tell the judge and jury of the events that occurred when school had finished, how he heard the screams. The pain he felt when he saw the man hurt El, the way the man pinned Jay against the wall chocking him before El came to his aid. How they fought back to save themselves.

"And Mr. Morton, did you know how long this abuse was going on for?"

"No, it was only made aware to me a few months ago," he answered truthfully.

"So you believe this has been going on for a while?" He questioned

"Yes, I do."

"And are you able to point out the man that has been attacking this young girl for months?" The air was thick with tension as he asked the questions.

"I am."

"And could you do that for me now, in this courtroom, in front of all these people?"

Jay surveyed the room as he eyes darted from person to person until his eyes settled on the dark hooded eyes of his prey.

With ease he lifted his finger out and pointed as the man in the orange jumpsuit.


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