The Council

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Suruli above, but she is much darker because she is Latino.

When I had finished eating, I had eaten twice as much as I thought would fit in my stomach. My mind slogged through each thought, and half of what I heard didn't even register in my brain.

Then the silver haired man I had seen before, tending the fire, came to the table and smiled at me. "Kendra McLane?" He asked, his orange, reptilian eyes kind but curious.

I tensed up and my mind sharpened. "Yes?"

"My name is Embar, I need you to come with me, please."

"Why?" I asked skeptically.

"It is alright, Kendra." Suruli said. "He is on the Council, go with him."

I swallowed and looked at them with wide, pleading eyes. Fear made my heart pound in my ears and I suddenly felt sick.

The old man offered his hand to me. "Your friends may come with you if you wish." He said kindly.

I looked at the small group I had come to know, hope lifting my heart a bit.

Sanna smiled at me and nodded.

Śarat grinned, "Right behind you, Kendra."

"I would not miss it," Suruli said with a smile.

"I was going there anyway." Havala drawled.

I ignored Havala and gave a small smile to the other three, I'd only known them a few hours and yet I was insanely glad that they were supporting me. It gave me the courage my pounding heart needed, so I nodded. "Okay." And I took Embar's hand.

Once I did, I thought I could hear music, soft caring music that made me want to relax and trust this man.

I tugged my hand from his with wide eyes, and the music stopped. "Are you doing that?" I asked.

"Doing what, my dear?" He said, his eyes still kind and hiding nothing.

I shook my head. "Nothing, nevermind. Lead the way."

Embar nodded and walked out, I followed behind.

He led us all back to the Head House where another old man and two old women sat around one end of the fire pit. Embar had me sit at the other end of the pit before he took his place with the other wizards. Now I say they were old, but to be honest their ages looked closer to fifty. The only thing that hinted at their true age was the wisdom and years in their eyes.

The women were both very different. The first had dark skin and long black hair, her eyes were feline and hazel green. The second was Asian with short black hair that feathered itself around her pointed face. Large, yellow eyes like an owl studied me through the flames as she fiddled with the short knife around her neck. The other man had olive skin, but he was big, his strong arms covered by a robe similar to Havala's. His stern face regarded me with pale fish eyes, grey like the hair that was pulled away from his face.

"What is your name, child?" The first woman said.

I swallowed and fiddled with the hem of my dress. "Kendra McLane."

"I am Pāci," she said and gestured to the woman and man next to her. "This is Mōdada and Taranga. And I see you have already met Embar."

I nodded. "Nice to meet you all."

"How old are you?" Mōdada chirped, her voice high like a bird.

"I turned twenty-five today."

"So you have not changed yet." Taranga grunted in a deep voice. It wasn't a question.

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