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Once Kendra and Sanna were out of sight Śarat and Suruli burst into laughter.

What are you laughing at? Nisvārtha snapped at the giggling women, stepping out of the shadows.

They sobered instantly. Nothing. Suruli said as Havala climbed onto Śarat's back. With an amused glance at each other they lept into the sky, leaving Nisvārtha alone.

He shook his head and jumped into the air, spinning and leaping through the currents.

There was so much freedom in flying, Nisvārtha hadn't shifted and flown in a few centuries, it was too dangerous for him. Rather than dwell on the unpleasantries of the past, Nisvārtha looked down to the surface, where his sharp eyes caught the movement of his friend running, and the speck of golden hair on his back that was Kendra McLane.

The girl was insufferable, she constantly denied his authority and persisted in her delusional tale that she was from the human world. Nisvārtha found her stubborn, childish and strange.

Strange enough to make him look again.

The girl was quite beautiful, for a serpent of course. Her beauty was not comparable to Havala but still, golden hair like the sun, with eyes to match. Pale skin and cheeks tinted with the slightest blush, and a slim but curvy form that held a certain grace in each movement.

It was the eyes that drew Nisvārtha in, so peculiar, soft, but filled with a raging fire when she glared at him.

He thought back to what she had said. What if she was right? Could he be wrong?

Nisvārtha snorted at the ridiculous idea, but that only made him remember her words again, clanging like bells.

"You think you're brilliant don't you, Shade? The idea that you could be wrong about me is so far from your bloody mind that you can't see it."

Such a strange accent. He thought to himself. A light brogue that left a lilt on her tongue, making each word rumble and roll like storm clouds.

His curiosity got the better of him, and Nisvārtha opened Tale hādu to the others, but left Kendra out of it.

What do you all think of the young serpent? He asked and felt each mind perk up with interest.

Well, I think she rather dislikes you, old friend. Sanna said in an amused tone.

Nisvārtha groaned, Sanna lived to tease him, and this girl left plenty of ammunition. I did not ask what she thought of me, but what you all think of her.

She has a lot of anger for a serpent. Śarat commented. Even with my limited experience with the species, I always thought them to be fairly calm.

Śarat is right, Havala said. Even the cruelest serpent I have known was never angry like Kendra. The calm, dangerous anger is more common.

Regardless of her temper, Suruli said. She froze your room, covered it with ice. Only serpents can do that.

Nisvārtha nodded. Yes, I remember.

Suruli continued. She is kind, though. Innocent, maybe, and perhaps a bit lost with herself. I have heard what lies in the City of Rivers, and she does not deserve that fate.

Nisvārtha thought for a minute before forcing the words out. Is it possible...that I have made a mistake?

A deep laughter rang in his head. The great Nisvārtha doubting himself? Sanna taunted playfully. I thought I wouldn't live to see this day.

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