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Nisvārtha laid in his room with his eyes closed. He was fully clothed now, but his blood knife had been confiscated. He wasn't surprised at this, of course. As an intruder, it was typical for a dragon's blood knife to be taken when captured. The small blade could be used to summon his element or harm his captors.

Nisvārtha was just pleased to be back in his own clothes. The room he was trapped in was small with simple furnishings and had him believing it to be either a servant's room or a child's room. It didn't matter to him, the door was locked and a guard stood outside, so he was given some peace.

Lord Śārk had questioned him about an hour ago. Nisvārtha had been cooperative and answered his questions without difficulty. His only hope was that his friends would do the same and they would be released soon.

A muffled shout reached his ears and Nisvārtha sat up, looking curiously at the door. More yelling murmured through the walls before it stopped.

Several moments later the door to his room opened and a frazzled looking Lord Śārk barged in, his eyes wild. "Why did you bring her here? She is dangerous! Unstable! You are to take her and your friends and leave immediately."

Nisvārtha rose to his feet with a frown on his face. "What did she do?" He had no doubt this was concerning Kendra.

Śārk just scowled. "Thought it would be funny, yes? Call her a serpent and have her tell those ridiculous lies! Pah! I should have known she was a wyrm when I saw her. Only wyrms could be so...." He shuddered. "Just get her out of my clan!" And he left.

Nisvārtha stood there for a few moments, dumbfounded. What happened in there?

He exited his room and followed Kendra's scent down the two flights of stairs before finding her and the rest of their company in a lounge. Kendra herself was speaking quietly to a woman about Nisvārtha's age with long, dark hair and light hazel eyes.

Their conversation ended with Kendra embracing the woman before she left the room.

Nisvārtha stared at Kendra for a long moment, her golden gaze meeting his, before he addressed the others. "We are leaving." Everyone left the lounge and walked through the front doors into the night.

Finding the moon low in the sky assured Nisvārtha that they hadn't been captive for long. He had been mildly concerned at how much time had been lost due to the drug induced blackout administered to him by the Assassins.

Waiting in the shallows beyond the manor, were three serpents who seemed to be waiting for them.

We have been instructed to escort the fledgling and her companions out of the city. One of them said emotionlessly, indifferent to his job but not particularly excited about it either.

Nisvārtha raised an eyebrow at the serpent's choice of words but nodded and turned to Havala. "Would you mind?" He asked politely.

She tossed her silver hair and gave a small smile. "Anything to get out of here quickly." She began to remove her clothes and toss them at Śarat who was watching the water with a wary gaze. Havala shifted as she dived headfirst into the water, her elegant silver body shimmering in the moonlight.

Nisvārtha snatched Kendra by her wrist and tugged her over to Havala. "You are riding with me." He said curtly.

Kendra scowled but didn't fight him. "Why?"

He scowled back at her. "Because I do not trust you to not do something foolish."

Everyone boarded their rides and the serpents began moving swiftly through the water.

Kendra groaned in irritation. "You're unbelievable!"

Nisvārtha looked over his shoulder into her burning golden eyes. "Am I? I do not know what happened back there and in this moment I would rather not know. However, I do not doubt that your actions were reckless and fueled by that volatile temper of yours. So pardon me if I opt to keep you within reach instead of giving you the opportunity to infuriate the people who have graciously allowed us to leave."

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