Tale hādu

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I scowled after him in half a rage as Sanna came up and touched my shoulder, sending his brand of music into my head. "You okay?" he asked.

"Fine." I muttered.

Sanna only sighed and handed me the bag of supplies. "You will get used to him...eventually."

I snorted, "Not bloody likely." And I headed out.

Sanna followed me. "Anyway, before we take off, I need to teach you something. It will be easier to communicate and you will have to learn it eventually."

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "What are you talking about?"

He grinned and his voice cut through my mind. Tale hādu.

I hissed at the pain and glared at him. "That hurt!"

He frowned. "Sorry. This is how we communicate in dragon form. And when we are traveling, you won't be able to talk to us."

"Why not?" I demanded.

Śarat appeared in front of me. "Because we move at terrifying, blinding speeds." She said with a grin.

"Anyway," Sanna said, rolling his eyes. "Tale hādu is when you push your thoughts into the mind of another. It is very selective, unless you have the control to speak to multiple people at once, and is the most difficult between two un-shifted people."

"So, what makes you think I'll be able to do it?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Śarat and Sanna looked at each other. "Well," Sanna fiddled with his blood knife. "You already did."

"I what?"

"'Please, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm so lost in this place, please, if you truly can help me...help me find a way home.' It was so loud and clear I think everyone heard that." Havala said with a smirk.

"So try doing it on purpose." Sanna said, encouragingly. Trying and failing to get me distracted from Havala Choice and her bitchiness.

I growled at her and shoved a thought her way. Bitch.

Havala laughed. "The fledgling is a natural!"

"Yeah, but could you turn down the volume?" Śarat asked, tugging at her ear. "You are really loud, Kendra."

I blinked in surprise. "Sorry."

We left the village, six in our party. Nisvārtha and Havala walked ahead while Śarat, Suruli, and Sanna helped me gain control over Tale hādu, which they told me meant head song, limiting it to one person or just a few. Apparently, the fact that it was so easy for me to speak with them, was very uncommon.

As we walked I thought about the lake I had crossed to get here, and now had to cross again.

"Hey, Suruli?" I spoke up, looking forward through the green light that filtered down from above. "What is the name of the lake?"

"That is The Eye of Nīrina," Suruli said, putting her hand on my shoulder. Music sang in my head with the sound of strings, bells, and the glittering notes of a piano. "She is the only Lake in Avondale, although the lake was named that a long time ago so most dragons just call her The Eye."

"Huh," I fiddled with my hair while I mulled that over. "Why not call it Nīrina Lake?"

Everyone gave me a weird look.

"Um," Śarat cleared her throat. "No offense, Kendra? But that is such a stupid name!"

The others snickered while I gave Śarat the finger.

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