Enter The Dragon

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It was morning when I woke up again, I was still on the floor, Śarat was across from me in her shifted form, and Suruli had taken possession of the bed. I stretched out, thrilled at the feeling of my new body. Shifting last night had been a terrifying ordeal, but now that it was over I was glad it had happened.

I spent a long while just getting used to my new limbs. I stretched out, folded and unfolded my wings, moved and played with my tail until I had as much control over it as a hand.

When I was bored with that I looked to Śarat, still sleeping soundly. I felt like having a little fun so I slowly moved the tip of my tail towards her nostrils. I was maybe an inch inside one nostril when I touched something and Śarat woke up sneezing balls of fire.

That woke up Suruli as well and by the time they had put out the fire I was laughing hysterically.

Are you done? Śarat demanded.

I looked at her and grinned, showing my new set of sharp teeth, Aye, sorry about that. I couldn't resist.

Suruli sighed, "How are you feeling, Kendra?"

I rolled my eyes, Everyone keeps asking me that. I'm fine, little hungry, but fine.

Well then, let's go get you some food. Śarat suggested, her mood improving at the mention of eating.

Eating food was weird, very awkward but I managed to eat my fill without too much hassle. After that, Suruli announced that the Temple Master wanted to see me, so we headed for the church.

Two things I noticed on our way to the church, first was the absence of Gari, and second were all the decorations being moved around by people.

What's going on? I asked.

Suruli looked back at me, "Happy Myājik Day, Kendra." Though her face was far from happy. I would have asked more, but Suruli's dark expression kept me silent.

Before we went in the church someone called my name. I looked back and Sanna was in front of me.

"Hey, Kendra," he began, looking a little nervous. "Are you alright?"

My tail twitched and I was about to answer when Suruli called me back, "Kendra! Master Garuda is waiting for you!"

I sighed and glanced back at Sanna, I'm fine. I've got to go, and I followed Suruli and Śarat into the church.

We passed many people as we walked through the grand halls of the church. Upon seeing me, each one gasped and began to bow and ramble religious things that I didn't understand. Everyone seemed so much smaller now, but on the other hand Śarat and I were near the same size, her being slightly larger. She kept close to my side, glaring at all the phoenixes who came close.

She caught me looking at her and sighed, Nisvārtha gave me orders to stay with you, keep you safe.

A low growl rumbled in my throat as I thought about the arsehole kissing me last night, Did he now?

Śarat rolled her eyes, Oh, calm down, he has a reason for his behavior.

Oh, do tell, I muttered.

You are still a fledgling, Kendra, weak, inexperienced, and vulnerable. Not only that, but you happen to be the most powerful and endangered type of dragon there is. It is imperative that you are protected until you can protect yourself.

My anger dissipated and my ears flattened against my head in shame, I'm sorry, thank you for protecting me.

Śarat laughed, smoke puffing out of her nostrils, I do not need your empty thanks, Kendra. You are my friend and I am happy to help, but I also understand the feeling of needing protection, and I remember the unpleasantness of it.

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