The Boy in a Bush

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My phone rings. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Hello?"

"Hey Carrie!" says Booth excitedly. "Suit up! We've got a case!"

"Do you really need me there?" I ask, I glance across the table at the guy sitting across from me. "I'm in the middle of a date."

"Sorry, I really need you." says Booth, hanging up the phone.

"Look, I'm sorry." I say, apologizing to the guy. "I just got a call from work, and apparently, they really need me there."

He shakes his head. "No problem. I'll just, eat these fries by myself."

"I"m so sorry." I say. "Here." I put five dollars on the table. "That's for my fries. Uh, see you another time?"

He gives a small smile and a nod, and I walk out.

I get into my Jeep and drive to the location that Booth sent me. I get out of the car and slam the door angrily.

"What was it that was so urgent?" I ask Booth angrily. Then, I see Zack dressed up in the thermal imaging uniform, and burst into laughter. "Never mind! This was totally worth it." I snap a picture.

"Hey!" complains Zack.

"Come on, C-3PO" I laugh.

"I'm picking something up." says Zack. He hurries over to a clump of bushes and takes off the helmet. "Oh my god."

"What?" asks Booth, hurrying over.

"You can turn on your flashlight, aim it over there." says Zack, pointing to the clump of bushes a few feet in front of him.

Booth does what Zack says, and the beam hits a small decomposing body, covered in insects.

"It's so small." Is all I can think to say.


"Before proceeding with maceration, any general observations?" Brennan asks Zack.

"Epiphyseal fusion puts age at approximately six to ten years, though the stature suggests younger." says Zack.

"So, not a midget." I conclude.

"Not a midget." agrees Brennan. "Cause of death?" she asks Zack.

"Blunt trauma to the chest." says Zack miserably.

I take a deep breath and walk over to see how Angela's drawing is coming.

"Are you alright?" Brennan asks us.

"We're fine." says Angela.

"He's just so... small." I add.

Angela nods. "Go on with your work. We're okay."

"The remains were significantly degraded by insect and animal activity, mostly dog and rodent." says Hodgins, looking at the body. "Despite the condition of the body, he's beed dead only between thirty six and forty six hours."

"These were found a few yards from the body." says Brennan, walking over to some clothes. "Notice that they are in perfect condition, what does that tell you?"

"The victim wasn't wearing them when he was killed." I say.

"Which suggests that he was sexually assulted." adds Zack.

"I'm done." says Angela, showing us the drawing.

Brennan walks it over to the screen with the picture of the suspected boy. "I think we have a match." she examines it closer. "The clothing matches. It's Charles Gregory Sanders."

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