~Thirty Five~

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         "Frederick," I started, but before I could get out another word, he stopped me.

        "No, Eva. You had the time to freak out and run out on me this morning. Now it's my turn to actually say what I had in mind. Wouldn't you say that's fair?"

         I nodded but otherwise stayed silent.

          "The thing is, this moment has been long overdue. And to be honest with you, that's what I regret the most, to not have done this a while back." He said while reaching into his pocket and taking out that little black box I had seen this morning.

        "I realize that you've been through a lot in recent months. I realize that you've lost so much in so little time. I realize that a lot has changed and many of them in not so great ways. But the most important things I've realized is that I can't possibly spend my life without you. I've realized that the thought of not having you in my life hits harder than me losing all that I have." He stopped for a second, his eyes fixated on me which made me notice the fact that I had stopped breathing for a moment as I hung on to every single word coming out of his mouth.

          Frederick extended his hand and I went willingly, reaching for it as if it was my lifesaver, and curled my fingers around his. He smiled.

        "I've never loved like this, never felt this much for a woman before. So it's incredibly frightening, to love someone this much, to have your head filled every second of every day with thoughts of said person. To completely go into panic mode at the thought of losing that person. It's maddening and I wouldn't change it for anything."

          I hadn't expected my eyes to fill up and for Frederick to become a blurry image in front of me, but it did. I hadn't expected my heart to want to jump out of my chest when simply hearing someone speak, but it did. I hadn't expected Fluffy to start barking, but he did.

         Frederick and I turned toward him for a second to find him wiggling his tail like a mad dog. We both started laughing, our eyes met again and if I hadn't thought this man loved me, what I saw in those gorgeous blue eyes was the proof of his love for me.

"Eva, I can't imagine my life without you. I refuse to even think of a moment, a second without you. And, If I have to stand here and proclaim my love for you for an eternity until you finally understand that I would never leave you, that I would never hurt you again, then so be it because nothing matters more to me right now than this moment here with you and with Mrs. Winslet watching." He pulled me in, a tender smile forming on his handsome face while he got on one knee in front of me.

           "Eva Chambers, in front of Fluffy currently present and Mrs. Erica Winslet currently in heaven watching over us and giving her blessing, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and forever make me the happiest man on the planet?"

Without even waiting for him to finish, I started nodding my head furiously, the tears of happiness now falling on my face steadily as my face split into this big grin that I couldn't contain.

I couldn't let him finish, because why the hell would I want to do that when the moment I stepped into this room, I knew what my answer would be this time around. And, there was no running away this time because the man standing inside that room was my future.

"Yes, yes, yes I'll marry you." I yelled with shaky breath. My body was trembling from so many emotions running through me. I was buzzing, unable and unwilling to wait any longer for him to finally put that ring on my finger so that I could pull him up and kiss him senseless.

When finally, after what felt like forever and a half, but was probably few seconds, I had this gorgeous and incredibly large emerald-cut diamond that is centered between two diamond baguettes. This ring looked familiar as if I had seen something similar before. But before I could dwell on it any longer, Frederick got up and kissed me.

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