Chapter 4

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Blake's eyes opened, she scanned the dorm room. Everyone was still asleep, she flicked her eyes to the clock. The digital, green lights temporarily blinding her. A large four shined at her, she swung her feet over the side of the bed, feet landing on the cold floor. The memories of last night played in her head. She stood, putting on a jumper that was hanging on her bed. She walked out into the hallway, walking anyway she wanted. Eventually she came to a large door with a large lock on it. She could hear soft birds on the other side, it was the way out. It was so close yet it was still felt miles away.

"Blake, what are you doing up at this time?" A brightly smiling face can into her view, Charlotte. Blake sent her a fake smile, hiding the pain on her face.

"I just woke up." Her reply was short, she was trying her best not to attack her right at that moment. Blakes fake smile faded as a cruel smile spread over Charlotte's face, followed by a small cackle.

"Look at you. You've never looked so desperate, that's what you get for making a mistake." Blake's face formed a frown, thinking over her words.

"Do you really think that little conversation last night was private, we have eyes and ears everywhere. I think you're ready now, come with me." There was something in her voice, it told Blake not to disobey. She followed without another word, playing with her hands. They walked down the now slightly familiar hallways. There was a small door at the end on one dull hallway. Blake walked to the end with Charlotte, keeping her eyes on the back of her head. The door was opened from the inside, revealing a small room, standing in the middle was a man. His piercing blue eyes were not easily forgotten, the moment Blake was him she had remembered.

"Andrew." Her voice was hollow, a void of emotion. He smiled slightly, it was one of enjoyment, he was enjoying her suffering.

"You say she's ready. Blake, do you remember anything?" She only started at his, tears threatening to rise.

"You were their friend, they trusted you." His face fell, his expression turned pained.

"All you ended up doing is stabbing them in the back, literally." His eyes saddened while Blake was speaking. But a moment after she had finished they turned hard again.

"Enough. That was their own fault, I couldn't help them. It seems you are ready enough. Send her to training." A large man appeared at the door and grabbed her arm. Her dragged her out of the room and into another small room. He shoved a cloth over her mouth, knowing exactly what it was, she breathed deeply, not bothering to fight back. Everything went black, she welcomed the darkness as an old friend.

Blake woke to a loud banging sound right next to her. She looked in the direction of the sound, a man with two metal poles stood banging them together, clearly amused by Blake's annoyance. Her eyes glazed over the room, shooting to a small figure in the corner. He had its arms tied behind him, most covered and feet tied, he was sitting on a chair. She squinted, trying to get a better look at his face with her still bleary vision. She gasped and attempted to jump up, but the man held one of the poles at her. Reluctantly she sat back down, still staring at the figure. It was Leo, in a horrible state, he had cuts on his face, blood in his hair, sleeping. Blake glared at the man beside her, he grinned and shrugged. The door at the opposite end of the room to Leo was flung open. Charlotte stepped in, a skinny dress and tall heals and clipboard. She chuckled slightly.

"You look pitiful." Blake swore at her, not caring if it resulted in a punishment. Charlotte only tutted.

"Your mission is to take out one of our targets. Everything you need is in this file. You will be provided with the weapon of your choice." She was thrown a file, a picture of a man in a suit came out.

Born a Fighterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن