Chapter 5

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Blake sprinted down the hallway, glancing sideways at her brother. She grinned, he was one of the most brave people she knew. The sirens turned on, flashing red. It brought back memories but she had no time to think them over. Three men rounded the corner in front of them. Blake glanced at both boys, either side of her, they both looked at her, a silent message passing between the three. Each charged at the person in front of them, tackling them in Ethan's case, and attacking them. Each of them knocked out their man within seconds. They all grabbed the guns and knifes strapped to the unconscious men. Attaching them to themselves the started running again, away from everything. Nobody could catch them, knocking out everyone that got in their way, leaving a path of destruction. They approached a door, Blake recognised it as the one that leads outside, into the open, to freedom. It was so close and the halls were clear, but Blake skidded to a stop. Causing the boys to stop as well.

"Blake! What are you doing? We have to go!" Ethan grabbed her hand and attempted to drag her toward the door.

"You said that they wanted power. They killed our parents, they took our freedom. Are we really going to let them get away with that?" Blake turned around and started running back into the men chasing them. She could hear her name being screamed out as she ran slowly enough for them to catch up. She threw herself at the men with knives in her hands. She head Leo's voice beside her.

"It was Charlotte. She was the one who killed our parents." Blake froze momentarily, fighting the urge to turn and confront her brother. She kept fighting, running, anger boiling inside her, ready to overflow. She could see red, smell blood. She pushed herself harder, running as fast as her legs could run, fighting her way through crowds of men trying to attack her. She was numb, she couldn't hear the screams of her victims, she could only imagine each had the delicate face of Charlotte on them. She ran down another hallway, throwing herself through a door, the same one in her memories, with ugly faces carved into the rich wooden timber. Blake smiled at the surprised faces crowding the room. Andrew shaw stood behind his desk, next to him was Charlotte. She couldn't think of what was going to happen, she didn't have the stomach to think about it. But she knew she was going to make them pay.

"Blake, what a pleasure." Andrew smiled lightly, making a face at Charlotte like it was her fault Blake was there. He faced Blake with a slight look of disappointment.

"You know you ruined my plan. Well, just delayed it. That man I wanted you to kill, he was one of the last people still in control. If he had been wiped out, we would have been able to take control finally." His voice sad like Blake had just messed up his art creation. Blake stared at him in disbelief. How could any human being be that cruel, that power hungry to want everything. She was disgusted, appalled by human behaviour.

"You won't be taking control anything." He let out a booming laugh, sending shivers down her spine.

"Why wouldn't I? I have everything I need. I can do it even with your failed job." He raised an eyebrow, chuckling slightly under his breath.

"Because I'm going to stop you. You won't ruin any other lives." Blake put as much determination into that sentence as she could, showing confidence in her pose. He laughed again, this time joined in by Charlotte. Blake's hands clenched into balls, fingers tuning white. He was challenging her, he didn't think she could stop him, he thought she was weak.

"I'm afraid that you won't be doing that in a hurry. Bring it in." He raised his voice at the last sentence. Charlotte cackled quietly as the doors were thrown open. A man walked in with a beaten body in his hands, still slightly breathing, but only just. She stood still, frozen to her place. She could see the pain on his bloody face and bruised limbs. It had happened again, the same as last time. She had put him in danger again, he hadn't escaped because of her. She was shocked, scared and angry all at once. Her thoughts were jumbled and unclear. She couldn't look away, she stood there watching the small, shallow breaths of the pale, fragile boy, just hanging onto life. Tears rose up in her eyes and she didn't bother to try and hide them. They ran down her cheeks, dripping to the floor.

"Try do something and his heart will stop. Your brother will be gone forever. Now do you really want to stop us?" Blake whipped her head to face them.

"You're discussing animals!" She screeched, tears falling down her face in silent sobs, he laughed.

"I'm an animal that is about to control the whole world, and there is nothing you can do about it without giving up what matters the most to you." Charlotte laughed quietly, clearly entertained by the situation. Blake caught something moving in the corner of her eye, up in the vent. She flicked her eyes inconspicuously towards the opening in the wall. Ethan's bruised face stared back at her, he winked at her and held up two knives. She directed her eyes to Andrew and she laughed, uncontrollably. His expression turned to confusion, squishing his face up. Blake stopped laughing and stared at Andrew, sending Charlotte a wink, she sent her two knives flying at the two guards. The man holding Leo dropped him and pulled out his own knife. Blake heard the loud crashing of the vent cover falling to the ground. She could hear a small scream and crashing coming from behind her. Blake focused on the man in front of her, she ripped a knife out of one of the guards she had hit. Slashing at the man, he dodged with difficulty, he was slow. She faked a jab and threw the knife at his neck, he didn't have time to respond before he was bleeding and falling to the ground. Blake tuned to find Charlotte charging at her, knife in hand. Blake dodged her swings and backed away, wanting to play with her, make her tired and desperate. Blake kept backing away, skipping out of the way of her fatal blows. Blake could see desperation in Charlotte's eyes, she became tired in her movements. Blake took it as her chance to strike, stabbing her one in the stomach. She could just see a fight out of the corner of her eye, Ethan had the upper hand, he had a longer reach and faster reflexes. She tuned her attention back to Charlotte who was clutching her stomach, attempting to stop the bleeding. Blake looked at her and laughed.

"Look who is causing the pain now." Blake laughed at her and held her knife to her cheek. She sliced open the skin just enough to cause pain. She heard Ethan call her name. She turned around to face him, Andrew was on the floor, dead. She flicked her eyes to Leo who was now conscious, looking stunned and afraid. Blake forgot about Charlotte and ran to Leo. She only got a few stops before she felt a pain in he back. It was hard to describe, it was pure shock which then turned into a pain that even words can't describe. She fell to the ground, facing charlotte who had a gun pointing at her, a smile on her face. Blake saw her pull the trigger again before everything went blank.


Leo stared at the body of his sister, lying lifeless on the floor in front of him. He could feel the anger boiling in him as he watched Charlotte smile. He pushed himself to his feet and he struggled over to the smiling figure. He leaped on her clawing at her face, he was pulled away by Ethan. Struggling against his grasp, he grabbed a gun lying on the floor and pointed it at Charlotte. He fired, over and over again, tears pouring out his eyes. He had lost her, his only family. He pushed against Ethan, fighting his way to attack her. He felt a hard object hit his head and then the world went blank. 

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