Chapter 1

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"All units are moving in, commander," said our Tech expert of Black Unit, Dyre.

Our gunship rocked back and forth and- wait a second. I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Snake Eyes, a Republic Commando in the Republic Army.

I'm in the Commando squad, Black Unit. I'm not the leader of it, but I'm the Boss man's right hand man.

I'm the squad marksman. My job: kill droids and serve the Republic.

My hobbies: kill droids and serve the Republic. I'm a clone soldier from Kamino and look just like Jango Fett. But anyway my squad and I trained and trained and trained (etc.) on Kamino. Then our time came.

We boarded on our gunship and then, Bam, we end up here in our gunship, flying through the flakzone on Geonosis.

"All units are moving in, commander," said said our Tech expert of Black Unit, Dyre.

Our gunship rocked back and forth to evade the enemy fire that was raining down on us.

"Alright. Tell Torrent Company that we have them distracted, and there path should be clear," said the commanding officer of Black Unit, Commander Scratch.

"Hay, as long as I get to blow something up, I'm ready to roll, Boss man," said Black Unit's Demo Expert, Mortar.

"Enemy Rocket droid on our left!" Shouted the gunship pilot.

That's my cue, I thought. I slung my sniper rifle off my back and shot the Rocket droid's head clean off.

That's why they call me Snake Eyes. I specialize in sniping and have the eyes of a snake. And I'm as fast as a snake, ready to strike.

"Great job, Snake," said Mortar.

I nodded at mortar.

I also don't talk very much, just incase u wanted to know.

"Alright boys, we are approaching the landing zone now. We got to save the Jedi's hides already. They are pinned down in a Geonosian arena. Just cover for the Jedi long enough for them to get aboard the gunships," said Commander Scratch.

Here we go, I thought. First mission.

Star Wars Republic Commando Snake EyesWhere stories live. Discover now