Chapter 6

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"S-so y-you're actually asking m-me and K-Klutz t-to......" Scar could barely control his excitement.

"Help me, yes," I finished his sentence for him.

"Y-yes sir!" Said Scar, giving me a salute.

"What are your orders, sir?" Asked Klutz, also giving me a salute.

"We 're going to raid a droid outpost not far from here," I said. "It possibly has my squad in there. If you two can help me, I would greatly appreciate it."

"You got it," said Scar, picking up his blaster rifle.

"Then let's go. My squad doesn't have forever."


"Come on! Go, go, go!" I shouted at Scar. I shot my DC-15 Commando blaster at a B1 battle droid.

"Snake Eyes! We better get to the brig! That's where they're probably-WHOA!" Scar dodged a laser blast.

"Alright. Tell Klutz to activate the droid poppers," I said, tossing a grenade at the droids.

Scar leaned his helmeted head down to his wrist commlink. "Klutz, activate the droid poppers." All of the sudden the lights shut off. "Guess he activated 'em," said Scar.

"Come on," I said. A few minutes later we rounded a corner, and I held my arm out to motion for Scar to stop.

"You will reveal the location of the Clone Orbital Cannons, or your squad mate will die," said a mechanical voice. "Once you do, we will self-destruct this make-shift base with you inside as we escape."

"Negative. We will not reveal our Orbital Cannons so you can escape," said a voice, mimicking the droids voice. I immediately recognized it as Mortar.

"Very well. Then you will di-." He was cut off as me and Scar jumped from behind the wall and started blasting. The interrogator was a T-series Tactical Droid, and he was holding a blaster pointed at my squad mates in the cell.

I shot the cell console and Mortar jumped out, kicking the tactical droid as he did so. He grabbed the droid's blaster and shot the tactical droid .

"Scar, Dyre, come on out! It's Snake !" Mortar yelled. Scar walked out, supporting an injured Dyre out of the cell. I remembered how Ki-Adi Mundi had said that Dyre took a bad hit to the leg.

"Dyre, are you alright?" I asked.

"A little banged up , but ok."

"Snake, how do we get out?" Said Scratch.

"Don't worry about that. Now let's blow this place up," I said .


"Charges in place, Snake!" Shouted Mortar through my comm.

"Then blow them!" I replied. The make-shift droid base exploded , and crumbled to the ground.

"Yeah!" Shouted everyone.

"Let's go home, " I said .


"On behalf of the Republic, thank you, we do," said Yoda.

We had shipped out to Coroscaunt after the rescue of my team, and Master Yoda and the Jedi Council had wanted to thank me, Scratch, Scar , Klutz , Mortar, and Dyre .

"Without you, the Battle of Geonosis couldn't have been won," said Mace Windu.

"Decided, we have, to appoint two new members to your team, noticing after your excellence on Geonosis," said Yoda.

We all looked puzzled but me. I had spoken to Master Yoda, and he had agreed to......

"You , Scar, and you, Klutz, are we appointing.

Klutz passed out on the spot. Scar was speechless. He just kept on going: "M-m- me a-a-a c-command-do I-I-I c-ant bel-lieve it."

But I was glad to get those two on my team. They had deserved it.

And I do think that we all deserved a rest before going to the front lines.


So............that's it. The End. I hoped for this story to be longer, but I decided to do a sequel sometime. Really sorry if I disappointed u guys. But the sequel should be out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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