Chapter 2

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Good news: The plan went perfect. We picked up the Jedi in the arena and got the fierfek out of there. Bad news: On the way out, we got shot down.

"Brace yourselves!" Yelled the Jedi we picked up, Master Kiadi Mundi.

"Thanks for the warning, general," said Mortar in his sarcastic tone. Mortar wasn't taking a liking to the Jedi anymore. He had to jump in front of a Jedi Padawan when a droid fired at him.

My squad also saw another thing that didn't make us very comfortable with the Jedi. We saw some purple-Lightsaber-wielding Jedi ( very manly with a purple Lightsaber, you know? )

decapitate Jango Fett.

Scratch had known Jango on Kamino. He had looked up to Jango. We all did. And then BAM!! He's dead by the manly purple Lightsaber wielding Jedi.

But anyway Kiadi Mundi glanced over at Mortar, then frowned, a split-second before we crashed.

"Everyone alright?" Asked Commander Scratch.

"As far as I can see sir," replied Dyre.

"You know, why aren't there any bacta dispensers around when you need 'em?" Said Mortar, picking up his DC-17 blaster.

Kiadi Mundi jumped down from the cockpit where the pilots were.

"The pilots are dead," said Kiadi Mundi.

Mortar leaned over and whispered something into my ear.

"Guess the Jedi are pretty good at stating the obvious, eh Snake?" Said Mortar.

There was all the sudden a bunch of static coming from the gunships ruined comm.

"Hello, is there anyone out there?" Said a voice from the comm.

"This is Delta Squad's Clone Advisor, does anyone read?" Asked the Advisor.

"This is Jedi Master Kiadi Mundi, and.......," he hesitated and looked at us.

"Black Unit, sir," supplied Scratch.

"And Black Unit," finished the Jedi. "What's your situation, Advisor?" Asked General Mundi.

"Delta Squad is in need of a straifing run, sir. Could you provide one?" Asked Advisor.

"I'm afraid not, soldier. We've been shot down," replied Mundi.

"Well you and your squad might get a mission. The Seppies seem to be blocking our long range communications. We can only contact you because your near us. But I need you to get to the nearest Republic Outpost and get a gunship," said Advisor.

"Very well," said the Jedi.

And so we set out to the Republic Outpost.

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