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"Where am I, why is everything dark who am I?" As I walk around I here shouts and screaming echoing all around me, I here men chanting, men shouting and men screaming and I here swords clashing, horses panicking and buildings collapsing then all of a sudden everything was starting to build up I was laying on a road surrounded by men fighting to death against things I never saw as they kill everyone as I stood up I walked around the battlefield and I saw men falling, dying, bleeding, crying and begging on the ground then I saw everyone on the ground dead but then I realized something I realized that the creatures were never allies and they killed each other in the end one army were left victorious because of how many of them are and the other creatures were so few and they burned to dust then all of a sudden time fast forward all of the fires was extinguished and all of the building were crumbling to the ground as dogs and crows eat on the corpses then when I was looking around I looked down and saw myself laying down on the ground bleeding to death then everything was shattering and shaking I didn't know what to do then I saw light. I woke up on a bed  and asked myself "What was that?" When I tried to stand up I felt the pain at my stomach when I was trying to stand again I heard someone outside the room I looked around me and saw a sword at a chair next to me and I quickly grabbed it and rushed next to the door, when the door opened I grabbed the person immediately at the right shoulder when the person turned around I quickly placed my hand on her mouth and put her down on the floor and placed the sword on her neck and asked quietly "Where am I?! WHERE AM I!?" Then at that very moment someone hit me at the side of my head I fell down to the left then when I regained vision again I saw a man holding a club on his hands then he asked the girl if she's fine she nodded then he looked at me and said "Well that's one interesting thing you did earlier stranger any harder I could've killed you already actually I prefer that happening after all I saw what you tried to do to my daughter you rapist." "Wait what?" Then he grabbed the sword and pointed it at my head and said "Get up!" So I did, I got up and he escorted me downstairs with the sword behind my head then he said "Sit down on the chair over there." "Wait wh-" Then he kicked me towards the chair and I sat there then he grabbed a long rope and approached me and I asked "What are you doi-" Before I could finish he punched me the face then I was dizzy while he wrapped the rope around me and tied it to the chair he said "Now I'm gonna ask you one thing, who are you? And what gave you the authority to do that to my daughter?" "What?" "I said who are you and why did you try to rape my daughter piece of shit!" Then I replied "I-I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know!? My daughter and some random person found you wearing some sort of armor and healed you and then you just try to do that to my daughter!" "Wait armor?" "Yes armor do you even understand what I'm talking about!" "No, cause I'm not you now am I." "(Chuckles) Now I know what were you." "What?" "A smartass that's what." He left the room and said to the girl "Keep and eye on him I don't trust him one bit." Then he came in with armor that I'm not familiar of but I can assume it's really heavy since his dragging it to the room and dropped out to the ground and said "Now do you remember!?" I shake my head not remembering it one bit then he said "We found you wearing it, the armor itself is pretty damaged and there were a lot of rock fragment stuck in it and a lot of arrows too and it's really heavy but it's still repairable. Now tell me the truth who are you and what were you doing to my daughter? Are you warrior? A Mercenary? A rapist who has armor? Or are you a general?" "Look I don't know damn it! I cant remember anything! I don't even know my damn name! I just don't remember. Why do I not remember?" He stayed silent then said "Alright then." He got a knife I thought that he was gonna stab me but he didn't instead he cut the ropes loose and said "Okay you may leave." I was confuse on why he let me go all of a sudden then he said "Go now! You can leave!" "So...your just going to let me leave." "Yeah." "Why?" "Cause you have no use in here anyways." I looked at him as he cleans up the place then I asked him "Where am I anyways?" "Your in a farm." "But where?!" "In the Lost Dark Forest that's where." "Wait forest?" "Yes forest." "So your sending me out there, alone and unarmed?!" "Yep." "So you healed me and now your sending me out there?! I'm gonna die out there and I don't even know the area." "Don't worry you'll be just fine." As he said that I was confuse on what he meant "Besides if you can survive 5 days out there while inquired you can survive this." "I don't even now what's out there!" "Look you tried to rape my daughter, put a fucking sword on her throat and now this is what you deserve!" "A fucking death sentence what's wrong with you!" As we continued to argue we heard a loud yell coming from outside "What the?!" Then he said "Alright you want to stay here right or not be sent out there right?!" "Yeah!" "Then help us." I nodded and then I followed him to the living room and then he opened a cabinet and grabbed weapons I'm not familiar of "You've seen one of these before?" "No, cause I don't remember." "Oh, right." But as soon as he led me a weapon he armed the weapon slowly and showed me how to as I learned how to arm it I quickly started to remember a bit of it while he demonstrates how to do it then as he handed me the bolts I quickly armed the weapon with outstanding speed "Hey I thought you said you don't remember?" "Yeah I still don't remember anything but it feels so comfortable." "Yeah I know it's more safer killing this things from range." Then he grabbed out a couple sharp silver swords out of the cabinet and and a chainmail hoodie and some leather vests and a couple iron chest plates and handed it to me then he said "You know, before when my daughter was young me and my wife protected this farm." As I wore the armor he continued "Then one day my wife was bit the neck as I slayed one more of these things I ran towards my wife and knelt down and then her final words were "Protect our daughter Alex" then she died I stab her at the head to prevent her from becoming to one those things and till this day I kept my oath." As he finished wearing and equipping his weapons and armor his daughter yelled "Their here!" Then he grabbed my arm and said "Hurry we got to defend this place." "Um oka-." Before I finished he dragged me outside there I saw hundred to thousands of creatures I am not familiar of then he said "Have you ever killed a Undead before!?" While he pulls out his sword and I did to, as I pulled it out memories were coming back it felt comfortable and it was clear that I knew what I was gonna be doing then he said "Alright I hope I can trust you on this!" "Yeah I had the same thoughts!" We laughed while they get closer and closer then he said "Look if we die.....than we die!" We looked at the undead while they run towards us and a few running like a wild animal then he said "In a count on 3 we charge right in!" "Okay!" "Alright 3!" I wasn't ready but I charged with him, I was on his tail while he was ahead of me I tried to keep up but he was too fast then when we finale meet the undead he swing his sword left and right killing and chopping anyone who goes in front of him, he was at the middle of the crowd while they surround him another crow of the Undead gathers around me as they scratch the armor I swing my sword left and right chopping them and tearing their jaws and limbs apart as blood spills on the ground they scratch my armor more and more and I swing my sword left and right killing them as it hits their head I get tired more and more but they're so weak and decayed it doesn't really matter on how much energy you consume cause they all just die even the weakest blows but some are fresh, faster and tougher to kill, while I chop, swing and even push them I heard a voice "Having fun yet kid?!" I replied to him "You call this fun?!" "Well kinda! But it makes you stronger and better at combat!" Well he was right about that as it feels like it gets easier and easier then we killed them all, I thought that I was going to die but I didn't then I saw him approaching me and said "Looks like you weren't that bad kid." "Yeah (pant) not (pant) bad." Then suddenly we heard a loud shriek then he looked at the forest and said "Oh shit." "Why what's the matter?" I was so tired and took every breath I can and looked at the forest and saw another horde of them then I saw three big, fat and terrifying Undead creature it was holding a gigantic bloody cleaver and it has cuts and stitches all over it's body and blood drips down on both it's cleaver and body and it's face was stitched up and rotten and then it yelled a loud growl then it looked at us and charged at us, "Run." "What?" "RUN DAMMIT!" He ran towards the farm house and saw the big undead creatures charged towards with all of the undead and I saw a person holding a mysterious book as it glows red his hand glows red as well along with all of the corpses around me then I realized that they were coming back to life, I ran towards the farm house and I managed to keep up with him as we run and run I looked behind me and I saw the big Undead charging towards us along with the Undead army and I saw all of the dead bodies we have done reanimating back to life then he said "DO NOT LOOK BACK!" So I stopped looking back and focused on the farm house then out of no where a ball of flames hits the barn and windmills and silos along with the roof of the farm house and then he said "FUCK NECROMANCERS!" As we made it to the farm house the girl opens the door and she was holding a knife then I looked behind me and saw everything burning while the Undead charges towards the house, when I entered the house I saw him and his daughter packing stuff that they can carry then I asked "What are they!?" "Those my friend my are called the Ukrai." "Wait Ukrai?" "Yeah the ones holding a massive cleaver." I looked outside the window and saw them getting closer to the house and said "Guys we got to get out of here, now!" "Where ready." I looked at them and saw them carrying bags, as we get out through the back door we heard a explosion coming from upstairs as the fires started to spread from all over the house then one of the Ukrai ram inside the house then it looked at me while fires are burning bright behind it then someone grabbed my arm I looked on who grabbed me and saw the girl and said "Come on let's go!" As we leave we headed towards the hill there we met her father he was sitting there watching the place turning into a inferno. When he saw me he said "Finale my daughter will not leave without you no let's get out of here." We left and never looked back as the flames get brighter and the smoke gets darker the farm was destroyed.
{Hi guys this is part 5 and I will make a couple or more chapters is all up to you. Just comment and I will continue and I hope you enjoyed this story X) anyways sayonara!}

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