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We traveled for days fighting Orcs, Monsters, Animals, Humans and the elements of the outside world it has been four days ever since Alex has left us and it left a big hole in our hearts including Alicia I told the monk to watch over her cause she might do something we don't want to happen especially on this time. After traveling for three more days we made it to the city of Parisia but when we saw it in the distance it was destroyed the city was in flames and massive cracks on the ground reaching the city and I was certain there were no survivors, when we approached the city gate we saw the gate on the ground the watch towers destroyed and part of the walls turned into rubble, we entered the city and saw the guards hanged by vines, building collapsing, corpses rotting on the road, and we saw a massive crack on the middle of the city "What happened here?" Asked Alicia "Looks like a earthquake but these mysterious vines all over the city starts raises suspicion that he was here." "You mean, Darkness." "Yes...Darkness." When we checked The Monastery we saw children hanged on the walls and soldiers dead on the ground and men pinned and executed at the wall "Looks like they were pushed to the wall to be killed." "Well thanks for the news I already know señor obvious." When we entered The Monastery we saw citizens dead and scattered on the ground and saw holes on The Monastery probably made by catapults but the monk told me that the holes were not made by catapults but by a beam the Darkness use to eliminate certain enemies with just a single blast, we ignored the horrors we saw and entered the building only greeted by rubble and corpses, we saw marble pillars reaching the ceiling to support it and without it the entire building would collapse before it was even destroyed when we looked around the area more we entered their dinning area there the monk saw the High Priest on a table tortured before being killed "Father!" The monk rushed towards the High Priest and saw what torture had happened to him then the monk said "This, this is the torture Darkness has done to people and he does this for fun." I looked at the Priest and saw his right hand amputated from his arm and his left eye covered in wax, his right eye removed from his skull and I saw water in the hollow eye socket, all of his fingers removed, a massive cut and a knife at his right leg, his chest wide open, his guts, heart and lungs removed from his body, and his jaw removed we left the room to not see the horror created then we heard bell *bang* *bang* *bang* after hearing the loud bell echoing all over the building ten times we heard a voice saying "Do you enjoy what your seeing? Or did you enjoy seeing your friend dead in the forest?" I was anxious hearing the killer say those words then I yelled "Show yourself!" The he replied "Right behind you." We quickly looked behind us but then when we did we were hit by a dark vine tossing us across the hallway, when we fell on the floor we bounced and rolled on the ground and we hit a wall stopping us then when I looked at him I saw a dark red beam firing at us I grabbed Alicia and the monk and we quickly dodged the attack then he said "Huh....wondered why no one uses their weakest attack." I thought to myself "Is this where we die and is this guy crazy?" Then at that very moment I heard Alicia yelling "Watch out!" I woke up and noticed a dark vine about to hit me but then, Alicia took the attack "Nooooo!" I saw her got impaled at the chest then the vine pulled her towards him and he said "You know that's your fault now is it?" After he said that he pulled his hand towards him then the vine removed her heart from her body I saw her blood gushed out and she fell to the ground when she fell her head looked straight at me making me think it was my fault cause it was then he said "You know if you were paying attention." While he was talking he grabbed her heart and grab a empty jar from his holster and squeezed her heart and I saw her blood filling the jar when it was full he ate the heart and he said "If you were wondering why most of the bodies here have their hearts removed this is why." Then he took a sip from the jar and he said "You know her blood taste like cherry to bad her father didn't taste the same instead it tasted like beer." I felt the anger in me then he said "You know I always wondered on what does your blood taste like do you wanna help me find out?" After he said that he summoned two mysterious dark figures it has a odd shape, it has sharp teeth and it's left eye was glowing dark red and it's right eyes was dark and hollow, the same thing in the middle of the mouth, it's mouth made a smile, it's nose was hollow, the smile extended to the edge of the cheeks, black fluid drips from the eyes and mouth, and it has a massive crack from the left eye reaching the bottom then he placed his hands behind his back and his eyes started dripping black fluids then he smiled and the things fired a dark beam at me but then someone grabbed my arm and pulled me I dropped on he floor then I saw the monk then he said "We have to get out of here n-" before he could finished he was stabbed at the back "F-find Oliver.." after he said those final words he stumble and fall to the ground "You know he was annoying heh heh heh the way his soul was, the way he you know who he was before being a monk." I became silent and terrified as I gulped he said "Heheheh silent huh? Guess seeing your friend died in the morning, seeing his daughter you swore to protect dead and her killer is in front of you, and seeing the only person who has the answers to kill me dead and you didn't do anything to help." I knew he was right as I felt my whole body numb and I felt my heart pumping and either terrified or angry then he said "You know..I'll give you a chance so you could mourn and suffer from all of the things you saw then I kill you." I was confuse that why would he let me have a chance then he started counting "1, 2, 3" Before he could continue I pulled out my sword and stabbed him but he didn't die instead he started laughing "Hahaha pathetic." I looked at him and I saw his eyes turning black and black fluids started dripping down his eyes then he smiled, I pushed the sword deeper impaling his body but no affect there was no blood dripping, then he raised his voice and shouted "PATHETIC HAHAHAHA!" Then in that moment I saw a blink of light behind me I quickly turned around and pulled my sword out off his body and saw a dark beam about to hit me I dodged to the right, I looked at the place he was standing thinking he might got hit by the blast but instead he was gone I quickly stood up then I heard a voice saying "You will die here!" Then dark vines popped out of the floor hitting the ceiling I quickly ran towards the exit but his dark vines blocked the doors then I saw blinking lights at my sides and I heard a loud blast I quickly tuned around and ran and I heard a explosion behind me as I run more beams fired at me at my sides. When I reached to the towers of the Monastery I quickly ran up the stairs reaching the bridge connecting at the other side of the tower as I quickly run to the other side I felt the wind blowing violently and I looked at my right and saw him on the ground then he pointed down with his thumb as I look down of the bridge I saw twenty of those mysterious figures facing towards me then they fired dark beams at me I quickly ran as fast as I could as each beam hits the bridge creating holes and cracks it started to collapse behind me then before I could reach the other side it collapsed below me. I felt time freezing in place as I fall down to the ground I thought to myself "Is this it? Has my journey finally come to an end?" But I didn't want to end it, I quickly grabbed the edge of the bridge as my hands struggles to hold on I looked around me hearing the bridge hitting the ground I climbed up the edge and I lay down on the floor catching my breathe when I finally recovered I went inside the tower and rushed down the stairs. When I got to the bottom of the tower I opened the wooden door and I saw a long beautiful corridor with colorful windows on the sides and pillars reaching the ceiling as I walk through the corridor dark vines suddenly broke through the mirror I ran and ran to the other side but it was to fast so I duked down and lay there watching the vines breaking through the other side when it was done I crawled my way to the other side cause I know that if I stand up I'm dead from either the thorns or whatever magic he'll use to kill me as I almost reached the end I heard cracks I looked behind me, nothing but when I look on top I saw the ceiling cracking I quickly crawled to the end then all of a sudden the vines lifted and the celling got ripped apart then the floor started to crack I had the opportunity to run so I did then I heard a blast as beams hits the wall below the floor then it started to collapse but I made it to the end as I run to the bottom floor I heard explosions, cracks and everything collapsing coming from all over the building then the building started to break apart as I reach the bottom floor I saw the ceiling falling, the floor covered by rubble and dust, and the pillars and things falling to the ground. When I reached the entrance the door was already blocked by rubble the building was going to collapse and I knew there was no way out of the ruins.

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