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Ever since Elvor fell and crumble, Demons and the Undead started growing stronger, traveling in large numbers and getting more powerful then before, before the Undead were just one swing or one hit kills and now it takes over 5 hits to kill them which is a big problem if you're surrounded by the Undead including the Ukrais who are a lot more deadlier than anything I've ever killed than the day I visited the farm where I left my brother. " brother."
Two weeks ago "So this is the farm you were talking about?" "Yep!" She said in a energetic way "Wow it's huge! How can I miss something this big?" "Yeah, it is huge my father and my mother have been working in this farm for years well we didn't have money but what's the point of that if you can build it by yourself."When we dropped him at a house and put him on a bed upstairs I was greeted by her father "Hello stranger!" "Um..hi." "And who's that?" "Oh dad this is a man that saved me at the city." Her father approaches the man in heavy armor and he removed his helmet then when I instantly realize I was dragging my brother's body cause he looks exactly like me the girl doesn't know cause she never saw my face since I cover my mouth with a brown handkerchief and I always wear my hoodie on but I noticed that I can now see souls which is hard to achieve because you need high knowledge to do that and I noticed that his soul was bravery and a bit of purity and also a bit patience and integrity and the father of the girl have kindness and bravery in his soul,then he asked me to get some medication in a cabinet at the kitchen his daughter escort me towards the kitchen and waited outside the door as I grab the medication he asked me to get I saw a picture of a women, him and his daughter and it says there "Forget" I gathered the things I need and closed it and gave some to the girl "Alright you have this I will have this." "But why do I need to carry everything while you have only one thing." "What are you complaining?" "No I'm used to it." We head upstairs and gave it to the man "Ah thank you." He grab the things and do what he was going to do we left the room and closed the door to not interrupt him with while he heals him "So my name is Alicia." She said to me and then she said "And that man is my father." I stayed quiet then she asked me "So....Soulless why did you help me drag him to the farm?" I stayed quiet and never replied "....." ".........." We stayed quiet at the hallway while her father works on the wound then I went down stairs and walked around she followed to probably let me not steal anything "Still don't trust me?" I looked at her and she nodded then I said "You know such a cute girl like you, why did you go to the city?" Then she said "Wait how did you know I was in the city?" I replied "What you think you were the only scavenger there?" She stayed silent and I said "You know I won't steal anything since you have no value. I don't steal anything to the people who have no value." Silent is all I get in the room then I noticed a closet I went near it and then she said "There's nothing in there that your interested in." "So." I opened it and found weapons and armor then she said "We use those to defend this farm." I looked at her while I closed the closet slowly then I left "Wait where are you going!?" I didn't answer and entered back to the forest and never returned not until now when I got back to the farm there was nothing left everything was destroyed " my horde worked hahaha." The horde of my Undead worked cause I don't want it here in my forest where people are alive and living here then I saw the necromancer I sent to kill these people along with my brother as I approach three Ukrais came out of their hiding spots but when they saw me they returned back where they were hiding cause on how powerful my magic is then the necromancer said "They are gone master." "Good, very good." I clapped my hands while I was heading towards the forest then I threw a knife at the necromancer and left "Idiot you can't trick me I know that they escaped. I can feel it." I scouted the entire forest to find them besides I would never forget how they look like.

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