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After a day of searching in the forest I knew that they are not here but during my search I found another road which leads to plains so I decided I would go and check there I traveled for a week then after walking on top of a hill I found a small village and saw people attempting rebuilding it then I said to myself "Well well well, what do I got here, a town. Looks like people are rebuilding it, how stupid of them do they know that no one is supposed to build in the area I currently am." I pull out my sword but as soon as I did the clouds gets darker, the light shatters as the clouds turn into a violent storm that covers the sky lighting can be seen striking down on the land creating fire as thunder is heard from above the wind blows violently and my sword glows red-orange then once it was bright enough I lifted my sword up in the air as I did it flames from Hell goes to through the skies then once the flames made the sky red it released four flaming tornadoes and when it touches ground it sucked nearly everything in it's path burning anything that goes in it, and leaves a trail of fire and ash it lasted for a good ten minutes then when it was finally over light goes through the dark red skies, the tornadoes disappear and the storm was lifted once the sun comes to light the entire town I saw everything in rubble and in flames then I went towards the town as I entered the town I saw buildings crumbling down and heard things falling apart and saw not a single sign of life then I said to myself "Perfect." I left the town leaving it dead, deserted, in flames and in ruins just like the rest of the towns I found on the way to the plains, when I was walking down a hill I saw a massive battlefield fought I saw corpses of the Undead there and on front of the battlefield was the stupid Enchanted Forest and they're lucky cause I can't destroy it because of a stupid flower and if I ever enter it I would die immediately because of the flower protecting it only Demons, Undead, Elves, Humans, Dwarves and so on, then I found a Fortress of the Humans near the forest all of the guards wore silver and have silver weapons and they have tall stone walls and four stone archer towers as I slowly approach I heard a bell banging on their command center I guess they noticed the trail of death and decay I leave behind me but they disappear in just three seconds and life instantly grows back then when the bell stopped banging I saw archers on the walls and soldiers outside forming a shield wall with the General at the back on his horse then the General yelled "Sorcerer! Leave now or die!" But I didn't instead I laughed to them cause silver cant hurt me I may be half Demon but I have a little angel left in my soul enough for me to past through the barrier and not get killed by silver and not be killed if someone joins me and tries to kill me instead it will kill him/herself and a bonus I can also perform all Holy magic even if I am a Demon except for the ones that needs purity cause I don't have it instead I have hate in my soul then the General asked me to leave and i can tell that they are afraid to die from me cause they know me, my rumors and legend and I know that all of them knows that I can't be killed by silver instead i have to be killed by unholy weapons the ones that are not sacrament or have silver in them then when they got the message "I am not leaving" they fired a rain of arrows and charged all of their men then I pull out my sword and then it glowed green when it got bright enough all the arrows that were supposed to hit me was blocked the glow faded away but I still have the shield for two seconds then when it was gone I looked at the enemy and then made my sword glow brown then I stabbed my sword to the ground causing the ground to shake and crack then I said "I call this Eruption." When I said that lava erupted out of the ground and massive cracks on the ground which reached the city on the north the earthquake was so violent it made every soldier fall while leave burns them then after ten seconds the glow faded away and the earthquake stopped and all of the lava turns to rock I picked up my sword and saw a handful of enemy soldiers left and saw a bit of archers on the wall then I my sword glowed light blue then my sword turned into a whip I tangled the soldiers around their body making the razor sharp spikes hit their skins and once I pulled the whip it either turn them in half or peeling the skin and muscle out of their bodies either which are both deadly and gruesome and the ones who survived will have to feel the pain and bleed for a while then when i was enjoying the pain and suffering I inflict to the soldiers I noticed that other soldiers run for their own lives then me whip glowed dark green which summoned thorny vines from the ground to them and blocking the exits while tangling around them and the thorns grow longer and sharper as it enters the body killing them slowly and saw and heard their sufferings then I looked at the fort and saw no archers on the walls or towers "(chuckles) Looks like they're hiding bunch of cowards." When I entered my whip turned back into a cutlass then I listened carefully then I heard movement coming from the barracks I didn't want to waste anytime so instead of heading there I burnt it with a simple torch I saw on the wall of the command center while the doors are blocked by flames I heard screams of men echoing all over the fort then I heard someone running I pursue the person to the cafeteria there I saw a group of soldiers and archers there when they noticed me instead of grabbing every weapon they ran away cause they now I can't be stopped when all of them ran to the kitchen my sword glowed to red orange I pointed my sword to them then when it was bright enough it fired flames towards them I knew that all of them there are burning and I was right because of how many men there screaming it didn't only burnt the kitchen it burnt everything in front of me incinerating everything when I left the cafeteria it was already collapsing and burning then I entered the command center of theirs and said "Oh General come out on where ever you are." But no one answered "Oh well looks like I gotta find you the hard way....and the way I'm going to find you is that all of you SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL!" I grabbed a torch and threw it on the ground since all of my mana is mostly gone so I have to leave a few left so I wont kill myself while the fire burns brightly and violently I went upstairs and searched the infirmary and saw women there who are probably nurses then I said "Hello, you don't want to die and burn right?" They nodded and I said "Then tell me where's the General and I will let you live and let you go okay." Then one of them went outside the room and pointed at the door at the end of the hallway "Very good, if I found out that your lying to me I will use your heads as decoration." She nodded and returned back to the group then I said "GET OUT!" When they all left I approached the door and opened it there I searched the place but no General then I noticed a closet when I opened it I saw the General being a big coward then I pulled him out and tossed him to the table when he landed on it, it broke in half then I grabbed him again and tossed him outside the window which he dropped on the second floor I quickly got out by using Shadow Run to get out quickly when I was outside I went to the back of the building and saw the General crawling leaving a trail of blood behind him while trying to find his way out and I noticed a stick pierced right through his leg which causes the blood trail then I approached him pushed the stick forward then he let out a load scream of agony and pain and blood gushed out of his leg then I said "Do you know anyone who came from a farm recently destroyed?" Then he replied "I don't know what..your talking about many farms were destroyed so which one?" Then I pushed the stick with more force and pressure then he said "Aghhh! Alright just two days ago three people came in here with us after we won a battle against the Demon and Undead horde." "Then where did they go?" "......." "WHERE DID THEY GO!" I pushed the stick with more force and more pressure "Aghhhhhhhhhh! They went to Francisca up north Aghh (pant) (pant)." Then I pushed it forward with more force and pressure until his bone popped out and the stick snapped then he let out a loud scream of pain "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Then he passed out due to blood loss then I left the fort and headed north to Francisca and guess they went to the nearest city, Parisia. Parisia is a city in Francisca and the home of The Holy Monastery besides if I go there it would be worth it cause I can slaughter many innocent children, women, men and elders it would be FUN!

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