Welcom to the SAT

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It has been years ever since Darkness took over all of El Spañia and the army training me to be a soldier of war. I trained with the rest in the training grounds, hitting the dummies, practicing my archery skills, and more I asked one of the soldiers on who's Oliver just a week ago and he said that Oliver is the Commander of the army, the captain told me that I need to practice my archery skills. The archery of the Paladins of Gods Order was different they trained their archers to fire arrows moving, blindfolded, and upsidedown which seems easy when you watch others do it but really difficult doing it yourself since their bows is made out of gold and the stick of the arrows are made out of iron and the tip is made out of a purple crystal which are very heavy they say it has a weight of carrying twenty crates full of iron ingots which is very heavy or trying to lift ten anvils stack on top of each other which is really heavy since that's what this army made his soldiers do is to carry ten anvils all at once or carry ten crates full of weapons and armor on your back! Then when I was practicing to hold your breath underwater with your entire body chained a soldier informed me that Oliver called me to the infirmary. As I untie myself and swam to the top one of the soldiers said "Well it took you fifty seconds but at least you broke your record of ten minutes and thirty seconds." "*pant* good *pant*." I got out of the tank and headed towards the infirmary thinking that this Oliver might train me how to resist torture by letting them torture me while I do completely nothing which is something I fear of but at least I can finally meet Oliver the man I've been finding and at last I can now meet him. As I enter the infirmary he looked at me and said "Took you long enough now take a sit." I sat down on a chair feeling chills running down my spine, my hands sweating, and feeling very nervous about what's gonna happen next then after a minute of waiting four man came in the room carrying a body spit in half and placed on the hospital bed. I felt like I was gonna vomit because of the stench it releases and on the body split in half then the brought four trays on them are six glass jars filled with blood I felt my stomach getting sick from the stench, the body, and the blood in the glass jars then he said "Do you know what were going to do?" "No." I looked at the body and on the glass jars and said "Are we going to fill this half body of a man in blood from the jars?" He nodded as he grabbed a jar he said "Do you see this?" "Yeah. What about it?" "This jar contains blood and blood is in the bodies of a man or a creature." I looked at him as he stared on the jar and said "And blood is a requirement for every living creature including us." "So get to the point." "What I meant is that blood is a river of life in our bodies and without it we are dead." "Yeah I know this so what are you saying?" "What I'm saying is that in every war a man bleeds to death and we had predicted on how long could a man live without treat meant so we wouldn't spend anymore medication to treat a man who is going to die no matter how many attempts we tried to save that person." "Yeah go on." "You see this body?" I looked at and said "Yeah. But who's body is this?" He stayed silent for a moment and looked at me and said "A man who committed a crime who deserves to die. Cause in this city if you committed a crime you die." I gulped and said "Well let's get back to the topic."
He looked at me and said "Of course. Now this body resembles every man in the battlefield." "Okay." "And we know what blood does to our body but we don't know how long a man can survive from a puncture, a wound in important areas, and bleeding to death, not until now." I nodded and he continued "If we fill this body with blood how much jars will it take for one part of a body will be filled with blood?" "Two?" "Hmm well let's find out ourselves." He grabbed a jar and said "Let's start with the leg." He pours blood into the leg and empty it, he grabbed another one and did the same thing and another one then he said "It takes three jars to completely fill one leg and the other leg will also take three jars as well now let's do it with the body next." He grabbed another jar and pour the blood in it and another and another finally after seven jars he completely filled it "Now the body takes seven jars of blood to fill it now how about the arms. The doctors said that the arms and the legs are both the same they just don't have the same purpose like the legs they help us to walk, run, and more and the arms let us do many things with it. So it would also take three jars to fill this completely but let's make sure of that." He grabbed three jars and pour them one by one and he was right it would also take three jars of blood "Now three jars will also fill the other arm but how about the head?" He grabbed jars one by one and poured it into the head and surprisingly it would take four jars to fill it then he said "Now we filled everything but remember this is just half of a body and the other half would have the same amount of blood we poured onto  this body." He grabbed all of the empty jars and said "In one half of a human being it would take twenty three jars full of blood if this was a whole body it would take forty six jars to fill one human being." I knew he was right after all this is just the half of a body then he said "Now what if we put the organs in it." He grabbed a box and pulled out the organs of the body and placed it all in the corpse as the organs enter the blood started to overflow a bit and when it was all in it's proper place he said "Now this is the liver." He pointed on a brownish organ located near the stomach then he said "The liver stores many blood if it got punctured how many blood will be loss." "Don't know." "It would take 2.5 of jars out of your body." He then placed his fingers in the blood in the leg and he said "The small finger contains .1 of blood loss the ring finger and the pointing finger contains .2 of blood loss the middle finger contains .5 of blood loss and the thumb contains .9 of blood loss." He then pointed to the lungs and said "This is the lungs." He then grabbed a small knife and made a small punctured to it and heard air escaping it "We concluded that the lungs stores air that goes towards the heart and the heart creates blood as we can tell that they are really close to each other." He then punctured the liver and blood squirted out "Like what I said the liver contains a lot of blood and if it gets punctured it will take two jars and a middle finger put of you body which will be severe if not treated since the blood will not stop but since I only hit the organ itself it would only take a bit of blood but if this was a whole body blood will be on every organ which will be very bloody so it would take fourteen jars of blood so what's would be left is only thirty two jars of blood left and this is only five minutes which will be severe and if it is hours who knows how long that person would last."
He taught me a lot about the bleeding and inquiries which would be the number one concern of every soldier in battle then he said I need to practice more on hand to hand combat and my archery which would be easy if you think about it but he said I have to train and fight and kill real enemies since he said I can attend real training. I asked on of the soldiers about real training at first they question on why I'm wondering on what's real training then when they understand on why I am wondering on what's real training they say that real training is like normal training but if anyone makes a mistake in any of the stages of real training or Special Army Training you will die.
Special Army Training or SAT is a program where men who had the highest skill or have a incredible status on the normal training or Army Rehabilitation Training Program or ARTP which is a program for people who doesn't have a certain special skill or people who couldn't stand or survive the SAT program which the program is only for soldiers who can take extreme pain, heat or anything that the Forgotten Lands have. They told me that the program is held in Cliff Mountain, a mountain with extreme heat in the bottom and extreme freezing temperature on the top of the mountain but normal sustainable temperature on the middle of the mountain. As I wall towards the gate a guard asked me where am I going? Oliver told me that if a guard ever approaches me and asked that question I have to say "I'm heading to ALM-05619JT91." It's a secret code for people who are sent to participate in the SAT program in Cliff Mountain after I told him that he escorted me towards the back of the training grounds which has a secret underground tunnel leading towards the mountain before I entered he warned me that the tunnel is full of traps to keep people out or anything out. I nodded and remembered his warning and entered the tunnel, the entrance of the tunnel was made out of bricks and a torch was on the wall as I grab the torch and entered, the entrance slowly closed behind me trapping me in the tunnel and the only way out was to get to the end of the tunnel. When the entrance was completely blocked torches immediately was lit as if someone lit them the tunnel was bright rather than dark, I walked through the tunnel and heard a click I quickly ducked down as arrows fly above me hitting the wall at my side the arrows didn't stop firing I decided to crawl all the way to the end but for who ever created this had a back up plan the walls slowly started to compress I crawled as fast as I could then when the walls were nearly going to flatten me the arrows stopped but it was too late the wall was so tight it was so hard to move but I managed to stand and slide all the way to the end I fell to the ground as the walls slammed behind me there was no way to go back as I stood up I heard another clicking sound then at my sides I quickly saw two giant blades about to hit me but I quickly ducked on the ground the blades rotated above me as I looked behind me I saw axes swinging on the ceiling I knew that one mistake would eventually kill me so I ran as fast as I could I dodge the first Axe and stood between the axes. But then I saw a big rotating blade about to hit me I knew that there is no stopping or resting cause if I do I die.
I quickly ran as fast as I could trying to avoid the axes and blades after dodging fifty axes and blades I finally made it out, the wall slammed behind me as soon as I got out blocking it of then when I looked at the long tunnel again it changed I saw a tunnel of spikes in front of me and a desk with a mysterious potion on it and a paper on front of the potion saying "Drink Me" taking my chances I opened the bottle and drank the entire potion as I did I felt my body burning but after a while it stopped and felt I need to run I looked at the tunnel and gulped and took my chances and run through it as I did the tunnel started to close slowly so I ran as fast as I could then at the end of the tunnel I knew there was no way for me to get out since it started to close so I took my chances and jumped out of the tunnel as I did I hear the tunnel closing behind me and fell to the floor. But as I did the floor started to collapse and below was spikes and on what's left of the floor were pillars leading to the end of the tunnel. It seems on who ever created the tunnel wanted the person to jump on the pillars to cross the other side each of the pillars could only fit on foot thinking that I have to balance on each one. As I jump to the first pillar I felt it moving and felt my hands watering and felt chills on my spine I took a deep breath and jumped on the next pillar as I did it almost threw me off balance struggling to keep my balance I looked around me and jumped to the next pillar this time I almost slipped I took a deep breath and balanced on the pillar I only need to jumped on ten more pillars but each one seems to be going further away from each other then I heard a click behind me as I carefully look behind me I saw the wall getting closer towards me I knew that it was meant to be in purpose since probably someone might just stay there and waited then the wall started to push anyone towards the pit since you should never rest, you should never stop cause if you do you die with hesitation I continued to jump to the pillars but each jump seems to be harder and the pillar seems to get bigger then I was on the last pillar the jump to the end was thirty feet away I knew it was impossible but instead of a pillar it was a small platform enough for my two legs to me on and a little run and jump then I looked behind me and saw the wall just a few feet away from me I quickly took two steps back since that's literally how big the small platform is I took a peak behind me and saw the wall just behind me I quickly ran and jump of the edge of the platform but it was not enough I was falling for my dear life I was only a few feet away from leaving the tunnel as I fall I looked above and saw the wall blocking the light.
But I didn't fall to the spikes I landed on a rocky platform and saw a ladder leading to the surface I quickly got up and ran to the ladder and climbed there I was greeted by Oliver waiting at the other side "Took you long enough." he said in a disappointing voice "What do you mean? I almost died there!" I yelled at him in a very angry voice then he chuckles and said "Welcome to the SAT program rookie."

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