Shake Your Groove Thing

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Chapter Five: Shake Your Groove Thing

"I wish I could hold a heart." George said through a mouth full of food as he, Cristina, and I watched Burke finish up his open heart surgery, Meredith being the intern chosen to hold the heart. 

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina bitterly muttered into her apple.

"Be quiet, you're just mad that Burke didn't ask you." I rolled my eyes.

"George, I need more ice and chips." Izzie told him as she hurried over, taking a seat on George's other side.

"Who else did you invite?" George asked her. I couldn't help but frown. Tonight Izzie was having a party since her boyfriend was coming to town, meaning that the house would be filled with drunk surgeons. 

"We said the list was jocks only: surgery, trauma, plastics." Cristina reminded her. "Not even Watley's kid is allowed in the house."

"You do realize that my son has a name, right?" I asked her.

"He's not going to be there, right?" Cristina checked with me.

"He's staying the night at Ashley's, I pick him up in the morning." I assured her, not wanting Joel around any of the craziness that was sure to go down tonight.

"Who else, Izzie?" Cristina looked back at the blonde.

"Just some people from peds." Izzie shrugged. 

"You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house." Cristina groaned. "Next thing, you'll say that you invited the shrinks. She invited mental defects. This party is DOA."

"You know, Meredith thinks this is going to be a small, meet-your-boyfriend cocktail thing." George reminded Izzie. "Did you clear this with her?"

"No, but I will. I promise." Izzie assured us. 

"Why are you wasting the only weekend your boyfriend is in town on a big party? Is he bad in bed?" Cristina asked. 

"No." Izzie scoffed. "I just want him to meet some of my friends."

"Well that ended after the invite list went past George, Meredith, and I." I told her. 

"Sixty geeks in scrubs are you friends." Cristina chuckled as her pager went off, causing her to get up from her seat. "Bad sec, sucks for you."

"I heard there's a party tonight." Karev said as he came over to us.

"A party?" Cristina played dumb.

"No party." George shook his head.

"Uh, news to me." Izzie shrugged.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"We losing her or what?" Karev asked, causing all of us to look back down in the OR where the heart had been taken off bypass but wasn't beating on its own. We watched as Burke shocked the heart, gaining a heartbeat after the second shock.


"How long has your back been hurting you?" Karev asked our patient, Mr. Frost, both of us being of Derek's service for the day. 

"It's chronic." Mr. Frost reminded us. "Means I have it all the time."

"I know what chronic means." Karev told him. "What kind of pain are you having?"

"Oh, man, the pain's bad." Mr. Frost groaned. "It's like a thousand samurai warriors stabbing their swords into my spine. I'm allergic to aspirin, most NSAIDs."

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