Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole

"What happened to George's hair?" Izzie asked as we watched him walk ahead of us, along side Bailey. "Is he having a nervous breakdown?"

"Burke says he's got issues." Cristina rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide her distaste about the fact that George had moved in with her and Burke. "You should see them together. They're, like, doing things, like running and cooking and talking. They're, like, bonding."

"And you're afraid that Burke will realize he makes a better girlfriend than you?" Izzie teased.

"You know, Meredith, just go and apologize to him." Cristina suggested.

"I've tried." Meredith sighed.

"Try again." Izzie told her. "Things can't stay like this. They suck like this."

"If they do stay like this, can Joel get George's room?" I asked as Alex came up behind us.

"What's up with O'Malley's hair?" Alex asked. "He looks like a hobbit."

"He's just trying a new look." Izzie told him.

"You never called me back last night." Alex pointed out. "You avoiding me?"

"Why would I be avoiding you?" Izzie shook her head as Bailey led us into Denny's room, the man having been readmitted a few days ago, where Burke was waiting for us. "Denny Duquette, age thirty-six-"

"Thirty-seven in three weeks." Denny cut in, smiling up at Izzie.

"Thirty-seven in three weeks, is having difficulty breathing and chest pains." Izzie continued, smiling back at him.

"Breath sounds?" Burke asked.

"Still a little junky." Izzie informed him. "He has a buildup of fluid in his system."

"Hey, did you just call me a junkie?" Denny asked. "That's not very nice."

"Denny, your congestive heart failure is getting worse despite the meds." Burke told the man.

"All right." Denny nodded. "So how do we proceed?"

"Doctors, how do we proceed?" Burke looked around at the rest of us, testing us.

"Titrate up his nitrate drip and continue with diuretics." Alex answered before anyone else could. "Plus-"

"Ace inhibitors, beta blockers, and start dobutamine." Izzie took over.

"I also want his ins and outs recorded, and one of you monitoring him at all times." Burke nodded.

"I'll stay." Izzie volunteered.

"Me too." Alex added as Bailey led the rest of us out of the room. As we headed towards the next room Addison joined us, leading the way inside.

"Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, I'm Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd." Addison introduced herself to the couple in the room. "I'm gonna be covering for Dr. Pollack."

"Mrs. Gibson had a preterm premature rupture of her membranes at twenty-eight weeks." Meredith presented.

"She's been confined to supervised bed rest for seven weeks and has a low-grade fever." I added.

"Can't you just schedule a C?" Mrs. Gibson asked. "Believe me, I'm ready to have this baby."

"Yeah, you and me both." Mr. Gibson agreed.

"I want to get your blood work back before we make any further decisions." Addison shook her head.

"I have to pee...again." Mrs. Gibson groaned as she climbed out of bed and headed into the small bathroom in the room.

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