Testing 1-2-3

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Testing 1-2-3

"How do you treat pancreatic divisum?" Cristina read the question off the card as she, Izzie, Alex, and I all studied for our intern exam in Meredith's kitchen. "Izzie?"

"Oh, Cristina." Izzie groaned, tired. "If you're not gonna let us sleep, you at least have to let me put coffee in my cup."

"Okay, so go. No one's stopping you." Cristina nodded to the coffee pot on the counter.

"I'm to tired to go." Izzie put her cup back down on the table. 

"Pancreatic divisum." Cristina waved the card around in the air.

"Dorsal duct sphincterotomy." Alex answered.

"Not your turn, but correct." Cristina told him. "You do me."

"I can't believe O'Malley's missing this." Alex said as he took the cards from Cristina. "How's he gonna be ready?"

"Oh, you're kidding, right?" Cristina scoffed. "We have Callie's cards, but George has-"

"George has Callie." Izzie finished for her.

"What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patents?" Alex read the question off for Cristina. 

"Is she coming to this bachelorette thing tonight?" Izzie asked Cristina. 

"Rotavirus. Yes." Cristina answered bother questions. "Uh, no! no, no, no. Uh, salmonella."

"Diarrhea is hospitalized patients." Alex reminded her.

"The most recent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients is c. diff, which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis, and death." Meredith answered as she entered the kitchen, walking over to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup, dressed up for Susan's funeral. "That's what killed Susan."

"Is she okay?" Izzie asked once Meredith had left.

"Oh, she's fine." Cristina brushed it off.

"Dude, she's messed up." Alex shook his head.

"Of course she's messed up." I rolled my eyes at them. "Susan was basically her surrogate mother."

"Yeah, her fake mom was better than her real mom." Cristina nodded. 

"Is she going to the hospital first or the funeral?" Izzie asked. 

"First to the hospital, then to the funeral, then to the test this afternoon." Cristina told us as she poured us some more coffee. 

"Has she even studied?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, she's studied." Cristina nodded. "She's fine. She just needs to be left alone, okay? So... What's inside the carotid sheath? Izzie?"


"We're supposed to be studying." Izzie reminded us as we stood outside the ER, watching the residents and attendings as they hurried around to take care of the missing hikers that had just been brought in. "If Bailey finds out we're down here-"

"We are studying." Cristina shook her head. "How do you treat frostbite?"

"Rewarm, avoid early surgery unless there's a deep infection due to autoamputation." I answered. 

"See? Studying." Cristina smirked as one of the men in the ER screamed. "Did you see that?"

"That is freaky." Izzie muttered.

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