Chapter VIII - Brynja

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Once Brynja had reassumed her human form, she dashed back whence she'd come, the cold and choking wisps of presentiment carrying her back to Harald. Although she was still unclothed, Brynja had not the patience to to seek her raiments out; she urged her legs on to devour the distance, impervious to her naked state. She should not have left him alone, but he had seemed ill-disposed to company...even that of a unassuming swan. It had therefore behooved her to leave him to his solitude lest he pelt her with more rocks.

Before she gained the clearing by the brook, she slowed her pace and picked her way carefully through the fallen pinecones, twigs and leaves, mindful of not alerting Harald to her presence. She would watch him from the shadows and appease her anxious heart that he was hale at least, if a little downcast. But when he spoke suddenly, she was caught off guard and froze to listen curiously. She was not, however, prepared to hear a second voice, the silky timbre of which imbued her with both ire and dread.

Not him!

"Who are you?" Harald inquired.

"Ask not who I am; but what I am," came the dreadful reply.

"What are you then?"

Though Harald's mouth was pulled taut and his jaw clenched noticeably, Brynja was pleased to see that his countenance remained stoic for the most part. But she knew the stranger — could see that he was not fooled by the chieftains cool mask. Harald could not, alas, disguise the smell of fear that permeate his skin, nor the telling beads of sweat that gathered at his brow.

"A friend; and I think you are in need of a friend just now."

Run, Harald! she urged him silently, but he, perforce, remained where he stood as she edged closer to where she might observe them better from the safety of a dense thicket.

"And your name, friend?"

"I think you know it already, young king."

Do not speak his name!

"Loki." Harald's voice had become no more than horrible whisper. He watched the god incline his head with an amused grin.

"Very good, Blood-drinker," said the dark one.

"What do you want from me?" Harald asked hoarsely.

Loki clicked his tongue and shook his head as he circled the chieftain, shifting his lazy gaze over to where Brynja hid behind a thicket. She bristled with the knowledge that he sensed her presence, but remained crouched and hidden nonetheless.

"Want? You think I show myself to demand something of you." His face was instantly shadowed with hostility. "You insult me."

"I meant no offense!" Harald was quick to assure the god.

"Good." Loki's brow therewith cleared of displeasure as he smiled again, his friendly disposition once more restored.

He is toying with you!

"But if you are not here to punish me, why then have you come?"

"I heard your cries! It was I that felt the bite of your anguish when Odin sought to turn his ears from you." Loki edged closer and leaned down to place his strange eyes level with Harald's. "For my part, I wish only to help you in the Allfather's stead."

Liar! Brynja's fury had evidently radiated across the space that separated her from Loki, for his lips quirked even further before he transferred his gaze surreptitiously to her hiding place, and then back to Harald.

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