Chapter XXVI - Brenna

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"Care for a swim, Brenna?" Roth knew how much it irked and distressed her mother when either he or Renic even looked at her, never mind spoke to her, and therefore did both whenever he knew Epona might be watching. And she was always watchful. He nudged her foot pertinaciously with his when she made to ignore him. "You look in need of refreshment."

"Do I?" She raised her brows at him in fractious manner that seemed only to advance his amusement.

"Aye, you do. Either the sun has touched your cheeks or you are flushed with distemper."

"Do go away, Roth."

"Ahh, the latter then." He snorted at her peevish tone. "All the more reason to take a plunge."

"And when have I ever sought your company?"

He only smirked. "Tis not I who would accompany you thither, little shrew." His mouth compressed into a smug line before cocking his head towards his brother. "For 'twas not my flesh your eyes were fastened to..."

"Enough," Renic grumbled as he approached the group, rolling his eyes at his wayward sibling. "Tis only your stupid tongue that needs refreshing, Brother." Bumping Roth's shoulder with his, he continued past without tarrying towards the shallow beck that meandered in the gully nearby. "Come on, Roth!" He bade his twin to follow without looking around.

Roth jerked his shoulders nonchalantly and winked at Brenna who pulled a face in answer. 

"You coming Eirik?" he asked after removing his shirt and throwing it facetiously at Heida, her outraged squeal making him chuckle.

Brenna's mouth pulled down at the corners as the spectacle played out. It was obvious that Heida was more delighted by the attention than wroth at his puerile antics. But she had not the heart to castigate her friend even in private. The girl had not had an easy year of it and it was not only she that had been treating Heida as though she were fragile bird — Roth's glare as good as flayed any who even dared raise their voice at her in anger.

She was a sweet girl and if it made her happy to have the attention, even from the likes of the Flesh Eater himself, then so be it.

When Heida had returned after that first Klanerting her face had been almost unrecognizable and they had all worried she might lose the eye that had sustained the worst of the damage. It had been no less than miraculous when her face had healed completely, only a little scar at the corner of her eye serving as a reminder of what she'd suffered.

But the blemish did nothing to diminish the girl's empyrean allure. It was not a classically beautiful profile like Aila's, but it was no less intriguing: striking in a refined sort of way. There was a cleft in her chin that lent her countenance a subtle strength and obstinacy that belied her docile nature. However, the effect was softened by her large, light-grey, ingenuous eyes that lent an air of innocence to her features.

Frida's too were large, but in her case she seemed constantly alert and frightened, whereas Heida's were steady and forthright. Her nose was proud and straight, despite the beating it had endured, and her cheekbones finely hewn, almost haughty, yet those too were palliated by her winsome gaze. Overall it was an interesting face that still and all intrigued the beholder to look longer, framed as it was by dense, silvery hair — as though Mani himself had sired her.

"Aye, I shall come; if only to drag you to the water and drown you myself," Eirik jested, Roth's answering laughter thereby drawing Brenna back to the conversation at hand. Eirik's sidelong glance at Brenna seemed to imply that any attempt at drowning his nephew would be on her behalf. "Best enjoy the warmth while we have it."

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