Chapter XV - Aila

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The advent of spring was wont to invite each bird to cachinnate happily amidst the reviving boughs, twittering and flouncing in orgiastic delight. Aila could not help grinning at their antics despite the worriment leavening her heart.

She sat brooding on a precipice, her legs dangling precariously over the edge as she stared down the ravine at the tarn glistening below where the vestiges of sunlight disappeared from the gorge. It was indeed a beautiful evening and she was determined to enjoy it; quite adamant that none of her strife should blind her to the rhythmic peace of nature. In the distance, the jagged line of misty, blue peaks were silhouetted dramatically across an inflamed, vivid mantle — gold, crimson, and violet hues disposed over a cloudless heaven and fleeing sun.

Though the gloaming had set in, she was compelled to stay a moment longer and breathe the balmy night air. There was, after all, no reason to hasten home and she was not desirous of company just now. Harald rarely questioned her behavior these days, too wary of her dour looks or solemn apathy. He might be a fearless warrior, but he is ever at a loss with how to deal with me. And the copestone to an otherwise adverse season was the shocking treachery of her deranged grandmother. Who should she now rely on but her father, brothers and Epona?

Harald was not to be trusted, philanderer that he was, and nor was Elfa. But am I not also an adulterer? What a difference a year made; she held far fewer kin in high regard than she had last spring. What of Loki? The thought came unbidden suddenly and warmed her in spite of the chill that had now settled in with the twilight.

Laying her hand hesitantly on her distended midriff, she studied it warily. She was only two months into her pregnancy, but her abdomen suggested she was far further along than that. She supposed that to be a godsend — had there been any question as to the babe's pedigree, Harald could have no doubts now, despite that it had been well over two months since they had lain together. That was all well and good, but what manner of child was burgeoning so rapidly within her womb?

Epona's many severe homilies and clamant warnings had taken their toll; she now questioned whether or not she carried an aberration. Closing her lids, she sat as the cool night breeze wrung tears from her eyes, whether from the brisk air or her morbid thoughts, it did not signify either way since her cheeks seemed latterly always sodden with woe.

"You will find no solace at the bottom of that gorge."

With a gasp, Aila whipped her head around to see Loki regarding her shrewdly. She had not seen him in so long and had almost forgotten how acutely he affected her. "I was not contemplating my death, Loki," she said peevishly. "I am not my sister."

"That I know." His voice seemed to spread across her flesh like warm hands as he approached her leisurely. "You are unlike any other; it is why I lo—" But he bit the word off midway as though it burned his tongue and she watched as his brow lowered in consternation. "Why I esteem you," he chose to finish instead.

Aila licked the dryness from her lips and wondered at his words. She was almost convinced that he had wanted to say love, but had stopped himself betimes. He loved her then? Notwithstanding his obvious surprise and aversion to the fact. And she? Did one dare love a god? Was that not a tragic and doomed endeavor?

Now that the light had all but disappeared from the valley, she gingerly pulled herself up, intending to move away from the ledge, but caught the hem of her heavy mantle with clumsy footing and lost her balance therewith. Ere her scream had chance to rend the quiet, Loki pulled her from the edge with preternatural speed and iron fingers, slamming her against his chest as he coiled his arms about her.

As she trembled within his fierce embrace, he walked her a safe distance from the crag and then eased her from his torso — the better to glare down at her. The blue of his eyes were almost pale with lambent ire as he fixed them to hers.

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