Name Pronunciations

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Character Name Pronunciations (because you asked)

Brynja (BRIN-YAH)

Epona (EE-PO-NA)

Aila (AY-LA)

Harald (HAR-ALD)

Elfa (AL-FA)

Ívarr (EE-VARR)

Eydís (AY-DEES)

Renic (REN-NIK)

Roth (ROTH)

Brenna (BREN-NAH)

Heida (HEI-DA)

Eirik (AY-RIK)

Ragnar (RAG-NAR)

Orvar (OR-VAR)

Inga (ING-EH)

Loki (LO-KEE) - The shapeshifter god (most noticeable forms were the snake and horse)

Odin (O-DIN)

Freyja (FRAY-EH)

🗡Norse Jargon🗡

Berserkir (Beserkers) "Bear-shirts" & Úlfheðnar  (oolv-HETH-nahr) "wolf hides" are both types of fierce warrior shamans (Odin's men) that, by wearing the pelts of either bear or wolf, can induce a state of possession of their animal totems. They were supposed to be terrifying on the battlefield.

Muspelheim - (MOO-SPELL-HAME) is similar to Hel (or Helheim) which you might compare to Hell.

Niflheim - (NIF-AL-HAME) is a frozen world, almost like Muspell/ Muspelheim but with no flames...obviously.

Ginnungagap - (GIN-OONG-GAH-GAHP) was the void between Niflheim and Muspelheim where life began.

Ragnarök - (RAG-NA-RAUK, end vowel sound is the same as 'earth' & 'urn') is like the Norse version of Armageddon.

Völva - (VAUL-VA, first vowel sound is the same as in 'earth' & 'urn') is a an ancient norse witch, seer or female shaman.

Yggdrasil - (IG-DRUH-SILL) Is the sacred World Tree that connects and envelopes the nine worlds in norse mythology.

Ymir - (EE-MEER) is a hermaphroditic giant and the first creature to come into being in the Norse creation narrative.

Midgard - (MID-GARD) is one of the nine realms, and more importantly the world of humanity.

Jötunheim - (YO-TUN-HAME) is also known as Utgard (OOT-GUARD) the home of giants.

Mani - (MAH-NEE) is the moon god and brother to Sól, the sun goddess.

Sol - (SOUL) is the sun goddess who, like her brother, Mani, rides through the cosmos on her horse-drawn chariot.

Sköll - (SKOHL) is 'one who mocks' and is one of two wolves that chase Sol and Mani through the sky.

Hati - (HA-TEE) is 'one who hates' and, like his brother, chases the sun and moon (it is not clear which wolf pursues which deity exactly).

Asgard - (AZ-GUARD) is the celestial stronghold of the Æsir (ICE-ear), a tribe of gods that include Odin and Thor.

Valkyrie -(VAL-KER-EE) are 'choosers of the fallen', the female helpers of Odin that carry his favorite among the dead to be delivered to Valhalla.

Valhalla - (VAL-HALL-AH) is the hall where Odin houses the distinguished dead warriors that he deems worthy to feast with him. It is a selfish reason because he will use them to help him fight Fenrir at Ragnarök.

Folkvang - (FALLK-VUNG) "Field of warriors" presided over by Freya. Apparently there were three places a person might go when they died: Hel, Folkvang, or Valhalla. The last two were just for warriors though.

Vanaheim - (VAN-AH-HAME) is homeland (one of the nine worlds) to the Vanir, a tribe of deities that include Freyja and Njord. The Vanir and Aesir were not always at peace.

Alfheim - (ALF-HAME) is the world of elves.

Swartalfheim - (SVART-ALF-HAME) the realm of dark/black elves, also sometimes known as dwarves. Synonymous with Nidavellir - (NID-UH-VELL-EER), the "dark fields".

Nidhogg - (NEED-HOG) is the destructive serpent/ dragon who dwells beneath the World Tree, Yggdrasil, and eats its roots.

Hel - (HAL) is a giantess, and believed to be the daughter of Loki, who rules the underworld, Helheim/ Hel, which is the land of the dead.

Bifrost - (BEEF-ROAST) is the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard and Vanaheim to Midgard. It is guarded by the watchful god, Heimdall (HAME-DAHL).

The Norns - (NORMS, with an 'm' sound at the end) are the three female deities that decide fate and destiny in the cosmos.

Jörmungand - (YOUR-MUN-GAND) is a great serpent, one of the monstrous children of Loki. He lives in the ocean and is so large that he can coil himself easily around the entire world of Midgard and still grasp the end of his tail in his mouth like an ouroboros. It is he that eventually kills Thor.

Fenrir - (FIN-REER) is a giant, fearsome wolf, and the beast that with one bite severed the hand of the god, Tyr. Fenrir is the son of Loki who is destined to kill Odin at Ragnarök.

Hraesvelgr - (REY-ES-VELGIR) is a giant that takes eagle form and is said to sit at the end of the world where he causes wind to blow when he flaps his great wings.

Hugin & Munin - (HOO-gin & MOO-gin) are Odin's two raven familiars or helping spirits. Their names mean "Thought" (huginn) and "Desire" (muninn) in Old Norse. 

Mímir — (MEE-meer) "The Rememberer" a shadowy being whose knowledge of all things was practically unparalleled among the inhabitants of the cosmos. He is a wise counselor of the gods. His home was a well called, Mímisbrunnr.

Hálfrblód — (HALFER-blowth) I made this word up (at least I think I did) or maybe it is a real word? (Icelandic friends? please advise). Anyway, for the purpose of my Lair Of Beasts series, it means half blood. A chimera. Half one thing and half another.

Urðarbrunnr — (URTH-AR-brunir) The Well Of Urd (The Well of Destiny). A well at at one of the roots of Yggdrasil where the Fates (The Nornir) live. Their names are Urd (What Was), Verdandi (What Is), and Skuld (What Will Be).

*Sleipnir - (SLAYP-neer) is Odin's eight-legged horse on which he rides throughout the nine realms.

*The story of Sleipnir's origins is a funny one, and you can google the myth about The Fortification Of Asgard to find out more. Suffice it to say that Loki, after being threatened by Odin and the other Aesir, turned into a mare and seduced the stallion, Svadilfari, who was integral in helping the wily giant who was building their wall. By doing what he did, and getting himself impregnated, Loki thwarted the giant's ultimate goal, which was to marry Freya. In the end, Asgard got their wall without any cost to themselves and Freya was not forced to marry the giant that had bet he could finish the wall before a specified time. All thanks to Loki. 

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