Chapter XVII - Epona

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It was not an easy undertaking, endeavoring to keep a lively woman bedridden, but Epona had orders to do just that. It was, in fact, by her father's injunction that Aila remained abed the entire three weeks that followed her peculiar affliction. She was stubborn, restless, and easily brought to temper, but Epona was the only one who dared contradict her mistress. Although the lady vehemently declaimed her confinement, the thrall was unmoved and so no one braved the master's chamber, for fear of its irascible inmate, save she and her little Brenna.

"Has there been any word as to-"

"Aila, you have asked me that thrice in the last hour! You must know that if there were any news of the men, it would be brought to you directly. Now rest awhile." Epona suspired loudly, her mouth turned down in exasperation.

"I have rested quite enough, you pushy upstart!" Aila clenched her jaw, dropping her head forcefully against the pillow before scorching the ceiling with her furious glare.

At the sound of Epona's bark of laughter, Aila's lips too began to quirk despite her best efforts. Erelong they were both chuckling unrestrainedly, Epona tickled by Aila's absurd petulance — so unlike her friend — and the latter with hearty self-disgust.

"Oh, Epona, if I were not now languishing in weary inactivity, I should have bent you of my knee long ago, you cheeky wench."

"You are more like to suffocate than discipline me under that large belly of yours!" At the unwitting mention of her friend's swollen girth, Epona became sober, disgruntled that she had momentarily forgotten her intention to abstain from aught that appertained to Aila's child.

She did not like to think of what creature had expanded the girl's womb and, since having promised the lass to curb all negative talk on the matter, they had thus, by mutual understanding, chosen instead to avoid discussing the subject at all.

No doubt sensing Epona's thoughts, Aila sighed as she turned her head into the furs. It must indeed have been vexing to do naught but endure inactivity all day, but the estate had been functioning well enough without her overseeing the daily operation of her lands and people in the jarl's absence. It was already evening, notwithstanding the reigning daylight yet infusing the countryside, and the household was settling down for the evening meal. All was dark within the longhouse, but for the lamps and hearth fire lending their glow.

"Do you hear that?"

Epona looked up from her task of swaddling Brenna for the night and listened as a distant peal of thunder rumbled and vibrated through the air. "A summer squall," she noted, glancing back down at her sleepy daughter. "I hope Brenna will not be fretting all night if it does move in."

The weather broke suddenly, even as she voiced her hope, and the sound of torrents gushing down the roof and pelting the timber walls made further conversation difficult. However, Brenna was undeterred and, with her belly filled, she closed her eyes as soon as she was secured in her swaddling. There was naught to be heard but the roaring of the storm.

"There it is again!" Aila had sat up and cocked an ear intently.

Epona, by now frowning, strained her own ear to listen. "What are you-"

"Hush!" Aila held her hand up to preclude further discourse, and after a long pause opened her mouth to explain her abrupt behavior. But what she would avow to hearing she did not say and promptly bit her lip instead.

"Mistress!" Olga flew abruptly into the chamber, a look of distress pinching the little slave girl's countenance. "You must come quickly!"

"Is it the men?" Aila jumped nimbly from her bed despite the cumbersome weight of her engorged waist.

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